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in the next chapters you're going to find out more about Harry and his past. also do you have any theories or predictions? id love to hear them, ive already read some v interesting ones, so lemme know (;

thanks for reading and see you to the next chapter x

*contains scenes of physical assault

Scarlett doesn't feel entirely good when she wakes up. She had a pretty horrible nightmare, obviously she wasn't as untouched as the thought from what had happened last night. In her dream he pulls the trigger. Harry's huge window in his room is definitely spectacular in the morning. It's still very early, the sun is rising right in this moment making quite a breathtaking view. Harry is sleeping next to her, on his stomach, his lips slightly parted and one of his arms hidden behind the pillow, his hair are messy but he's still absolutely handsome. They had spent last night taking out their fears and worries through sex, they felt completely obsessed with each other's body and their possession. The room still smells like sex now and she does too for sure. She gets up from the bed, paying attention not to wake him up and reaches the shower in his private bathroom. Once she's out, she remembers she doesn't have any clothes here and she's absolutely starving at the moment. She keeps on Harry's bathrobe and walks toward the kitchen she's seen with Harry when they arrived. The attic was absolutely huge and breathtaking. It look one hundredth time more luxurious than his loft in Washington, it must be nice living in a house like this. When she arrives to the kitchen she checks the fridge and decides to take a glass of milk and a chocolate muffin that she finds on the kitchen isle. Her eyes are wet as usual and tied up in a bun, she probably shouldn't be here eating in a bathrobe in the middle of the night but Harry told her they're alone here. When the door at the entry is opened, she wishes she could disappear. A man on the 50s comes inside, looking quite shocked in seeing a stranger woman in his kitchen. He must be Harry's father, she can see the similarities. He's a good looking man, not tall as Harry and her, but still slim. His eyes are blue, unlike Harry, but he can see similar traits in his face. His hair are grey and short, he's wearing an elegant suit and has a briefcase in his hand.

"Uhm... I'm here with your son, Harry. I swear I didn't break in." She urges to say, feeling pretty embarrassed by the whole situation. He gives her a more careful look and then puts on a light smile.

"You must be Scarlett!" Scarlett nods, furrowing her eyebrows. She has no idea how he knew, but apparently he does know her, enough to know her name. "Harry told me about you..." Scarlett doesn't know if she should be happy, because Harry has told his father about her or feeling confused and suspicious because Harry had told her he didn't see or talk to his father often, just a couple of hours ago.

"He's sleeping..." she tells him, tightening the bathrobe to her bare body in embarrassment. He nods in understanding, keeping looking at her.

"How come you guys are here?"

"We came to New York for the day, yesterday. We got almost robbed before leaving, so we were pretty shaken up. We didn't feel like going back just yet." Harry's father parts his lips, a mix of shock and worries in his eyes.

"Did you call the police? Are you two both alright?"

"Yeah, we did and thank God we are." Scarlett urges to nod her head, walking at that point from the other side of her counter to go back to Harry's room.

"Thank God! I'm Conrad, by the way." He stretches his hand toward her and Scarlett politely shakes it.

"As Harry told you, I'm Scarlett." She puts on a slight smile.

"I'm going back to Harry to see if he woke up. Thanks for everything Mr. Styles." Conrad nods again, and puts a hand on her shoulder, but sliding it behind the bathrobe, making her immediately shiver at his clammy touch.

Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz