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*contains strong sexual contents


When Calvin finds Harry at his door, he's not that surprised after all. He knew that, sooner or later, he would've found out. He's not surprised either, by the hard expression on his face, the way he looks at him, probably contemplating whatever he should hit him already or not. He sighs, letting him in. He's been to his house only two or three times, during the first years of college so he's surprised he even remembers where his house is.

"He told you?" Calvin goes straight to the point.

"Yes. And right now, I'm strongly trying to hold myself back from smashing your face." Calvin sits down on the couch, ready to tell him anything now. There's not much left he can lose. Harry takes a deep breath and decides to sit next to him.

"When I first saw you that desperate I wanted to tell you..." Calvin quickly says, feeling immediately his hard stare burn on his skin.

"Then why you didn't?"

"Because she knew something about me... and I couldn't share the story without sharing this too." He feels his eyes burning, while he speaks. He hated Scarlett, but he hated more seeing Harry in pain as he has been in the last months. No matter how much he tried to convince himself that he was ok with Cielo, Calvin knows she's not Scarlett and she'll never be.

"What?" He groans, feeling already tired by it.

"God, you're so stupid... I can't believe you haven't realized." Calvin bitterly laughs and Harry feels only way more confused. He tries to remember about the last year. He didn't spend a lot of time with him, they grew apart, also because of Scarlett but he remembers still now, that for some reason he's never liked him with her. Back at the time, he had thought there had been something between him and Scarlett.

"You had something going on with her?" Harry tightens his jaw, he glares at him, trying to ignore the pain and jealousy at the possibility. Calvin, on the other hand, parts his lips, feeling extremely annoyed by his assumptions.

"I'm gay, Harry!" He raises his voice, feeling extremely light-weighted, once these informations leave his mouth. This time, Harry parts his lips, feeling extremely confused by everything. He's been known him for so long and yet he's never realized. "And I didn't like Scarlett I liked..."

"Me." Harry finally realizes out loud. Calvin slowly nods his head. Now everything makes sense to him. It must have been horrible having to hide all this time and, at the same time, being surrounded by the person you feel something for every day, without having the possibility to say anything.

"Why you never told me?"

"Would it have changed anything? You would've just treated me differently and gotten away from me..." he shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't mind him knowing now. He's enjoyed every single moment with him and he's thankful for every moment they've spent together. Harry has made him realize who he is and he'll never be thankful enough for it. "Before knowing you... I couldn't understand why I didn't feel any interest in girls. I thought there was something wrong in me. Then I met you, and everything became clearer."

"I'm sorry for thinking the worst of you." He says in a whisper, feeling extremely guilty now. Calvin just laughs it off, though.

"I'm sorry for not telling you... have you found out why she lied about you meeting her there?"

"I don't think she lied, Calvin. Before her disappearance I had lost my phone. I think someone sent her a text from it." Calvin furrows his eyebrows while he listens to him.

"So whoever stole it is the killer?" He asks, to make sure he understood correctly. Harry just nods, not too sure, but it would definitely make sense. "But why did she go?" Harry looks at him with confusion, not understanding the question in the first place. "I knew she was lying because I remembered that you had told her that you wouldn't come there anymore. Didn't she think it was weird? She's always been smarter than that..." Harry thinks about it too. He remembers clearly when he told her that. It's the first time he thinks about it. She had also told Aaron that she was leaving him that day, so why did she go back all because of a simple text? He doesn't know how to answer, so he doesn't.

Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Where stories live. Discover now