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helloooo x

so i have the feeling you're gonna enjoy this chapter (;
so let me know what you guys think and if you have any question about the fanfic you can ask me on my curious cat www.curiouscat.me/groenevogue you don't need to have an account to ask questions.

see you at the next chapter xx


Cielo's and Avery's chatting is definitely too loud not to wake Scarlett up ten minutes before of the time her alarm was supposed to go off. What Scarlett's sleepy senses manage to perceive is that they're talking about clothes, so she decides it's not interesting enough for her to snoop. The next thing in her mind, right after, is checking her phone to see how it ended up between Harry and Poe, but when she checks it to find nothing a feeling of worry and disappointment emerges in the pit of her stomach. She doesn't know if Harry actually talked to Poe, but she's definitely worried by his silence.
Maybe, he picked Poe over her and realized that she wasn't worth the fuss. She feels a knot in her chest, just by thinking about the possibility, she wouldn't tolerate it. Especially not today.
Between all the days, that's definitely the one she was most worried about for being away from home. She quickly gets out of the bed, to force herself not to think about it and the cold water of the shower helps her in the mission too.
She leaves the room twenty minutes earlier, with a maltreated plain white t-shirt, a blue chenille cardigan on top of it and a pair of black trousers, she didn't really bother to try and dress nice for today. It's really not her day.
She stops right in the middle of the corridor, with the books hugged tight to her chest, when she sees Poe walking toward her. His stare is hard and serious, just like his whole body is tense.

"Can we talk?" He goes straight to the point. She knows he knows. She just slowly nods, walking toward a small bench at a side of the corridor. She just sits down, without really saying anything but just waiting for whatever he has to say.

"Harry told me about him and you," It's rare to see his brother this serious about anything, that's the first thing she thinks about before she's quickly taken over by a slight sense of anxiety. She just got the confirmation.

"I didn't want to lie... I-" Scarlett sighs, but she's quickly interrupted by Poe.

"I get why you lied, though. I shouldn't have forbidden you anything. You're old enough to make your own choice," Scarlett almost gasps at his words, seeing that he's not mad. Harry must have really made a miracle. Poe's stare is soft and understanding, it's the stare she's always loved seeing growing up. It would make her feel safe, no matter what.

"You changed your mind?" She asks, still surprised.

"Yeah... I'm sorry for being so harsh," He shrugs his shoulder, a slight smile makes his way on his face. "He really likes you."

"You think so?" Scarlett asks, feeling her heart rushing into her chest by thinking about Harry actually liking her.

"I know so!" Scarlett's lips curve into a wide smile at her brother's words. "So, now you only have to promise me another thing. But you can't lie about it." She quickly nods at his words, taking his warm hand in hers and holding it tight.

"Whatever you want!"

"Alright... if he hurts you in any way you have to tell and I promise I'll mess his pretty face up." Scarlett loudly laughs at Poe's words and nods once again, before leaning towards him and wrapping her thin arms around his neck.

"I love you so much, Poe. You're the best," she kisses his cheek, before standing up with him and starting to walk together toward class.

"So is everything alright today?" Poe's tone of voice is apprensive and Scarlett knows right away what he's asking about, even if he's not specifying. She thought he had forgotten about it.

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