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*contains scenes of drug abuse

I want to apologize in advance because this chapter is a little shorter than the others but I was going through a writer block and I really wanted to publish it soon anyway, so I hope you like it and I'll make up to you with the next one (;
Thank you to all of you for reading, voting and commenting!


The things between Scarlett and Harry in the following weeks have been quite tense between Harry and Scarlett. They've been doing their own things; Harry disappearing off with Cielo and Scarlett disappearing off on her own or spending the whole day in bed, lessons are really not an option anymore. They barely talk, they're both too stubborn and proud to apologize or admit their mistakes before the other and Harry's almost never home, so she doesn't see him a lot of has time — or wish — to complain to him about it.

"No, I'm telling you that-" Harry has just finished getting ready and is about to leave but his attention is quickly captured by Scarlett's screams coming from the living room. He stops in the corridor, being very careful in not making any noise. "How is that not possible?" She walks back and forth across the living room. "As I've already told you, my knee still hurts." Harry immediately understands what's the problem. She's finished a bottle of Oxycodone in two weeks and her idiot of a doctor must have finally understood she has a problem. "I've lost the previous bottle! No, I'm not going to do any additional examination." Harry sighs, seeing her lying like that to get more pills. "N-, what? Hello?" She checks her phone seeing that he's ended the call and hisses, throwing it on the couch and crossing her arms to her chest. "Fuck it!" Harry finally decides to reveal himself and she immediately turns toward him. She's been feeling worse than usual lately, he's never with her and when he is they don't even talk. Those pills were the only things to make her feel better and now she's left with nothing. Her heart aches at seeing him there, standing there and watching her without not saying anything at all. She hates this tension and this wall that was built between them.

"Did your idiot of a doctor finally realize you have a problem?!" She feels good in seeing that he's at least trying to say something, even if it's not something very positive.

"Yeah, you know a lot about problems for sure, don't you?!" Harry sighs, feeling very stupid for whatever they're both doing now. He's being immature right when Scarlett needs his help the most. She's helped him once and now it's his turn.

"Yeah, I do... that's why you should listen to me. I know what damages that stuff can do to you." He sits down on the couch and wraps his fingers around his wrist to make her sit down with him. This simple touch makes her heart melt. She's missed him so much in these past weeks.

"I need to turn my mind off. That shit helps..." Harry feels immediately confused on why she'd want something like that. He just wishes she would talk to him. She keeps her stare low and he leans toward her, nearing their foreheads.

"What's going on, Scar?" He whispers, brushing his lips against hers. "Why don't you talk to me?" He tells her sweetly, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. Scarlett really wishes she could find the courage to do that, to tell him what's going on, to talk about it out loud, but it seems like she isn't able to face it and to involve him in it.

"I'm doing what you do, you never tell me anything at all." He immediately rolls his eyes, tired at her behavior but he can't protest to it. She's doing exactly the same thing he's doing, he can understand it but for some reason he expects her to do better than him. She's always been better than him, after all.

"You're not like me and you shouldn't be like me." He begs her, his eyes are saddened now while he looks at her. He hates the thought of her becoming like him, it's been his worst fear until the start of everything, when things became serious.

Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat