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I'm going to immediately tell you that this chapter is pretty much a rollercoaster ahahah so get ready!
Also on my curiouscat in the last days there has been a discussion on #teamScarlett or #teamCielo and I saw that it's pretty much even between them. So let me know in the comments who you prefers and if you wanna write me on curiouscat or Twitter I'm groenevogue on both xx
Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Harry, for the first time in a long time, feels pretty excited about seeing the campus again. The majority of the students are still away for holidays, considering it's still the 27th of December, but before leaving for Bora Bora they both want to get Scarlett's stuff to his place. He feels pretty excited about his new housemate too.

"I'll go pick up my stuff... I'll see you in like two hours, alright?" Scarlett quickly says, as soon as she gets out of the car.

"Don't you want me to help you?"

"No!" Scarlett says, a little too quickly maybe, but Harry doesn't really notice. She doesn't want to risk him meeting Cielo. She's been anxious for the whole ride here. "It's fine... I'll see you in two hours!" She gets on her tiptoes and kisses his lips, before heading off toward her room. He looks at the time and immediately thinks that the best option is just wait back home, maybe he should start packing his stuff. Before he can get into his car he sees Cielo, walking toward her car with a box in her hands. She looks absolutely tired. Her eyes are swollen and red, as if she's been crying for a long time.

"Hey!" He captures her attention. "What's wrong?" Cielo sniffs, slowly walking toward him.

"Uhm... I'm leaving." She shrugs her shoulders, lowering her eyes on the ground. Harry furrows his eyebrows confused by the whole situation.

"What? Why?"

"My scholarship has been revoked..." She bitterly laughs. "And I can't pay for it, so..." she sighs, opening the trunk and putting the box inside.

"No, don't... I can pay for it!" He quickly offers her without even thinking about it too much. Cielo laughs at his words, shaking her head.

"I don't want your money!" She aggressively spats at him, closing her trunk and trying to get back in the car.

"It could be a loan... you can give them back whenever you want."

"No, it's fine... I'll have more time to look for my mother, so maybe it's for the better." She nods her head, trying to convince herself. She's been repeating it to herself since she got the news. The truth is that she has no idea how she'll survive. She needs a job as soon as possible and a place to stay. She doesn't have a lot of money and she'll have to get back to Mexico if she doesn't figure it out soon. "But before I go I need to talk to you..." Harry nods his head and decides to follow her toward the nearest cafe to talk.

"What do you want to talk about?" He decides to ask her, once they're both sat down.

"You won't like whatever I'm about to tell you and to be honest I just wanted to get out of it but you deserve to know the kind of person you have beside." He immediately feels a sense of worry at her words, already imagining whatever she has to say is about Scarlett. After their last fight he feels pretty confused about it, he doesn't know if he can figure out who's lying and who's telling the truth. "Alright, so... I told you my scholarship got revoked but I didn't tell you why. Your girlfriend hid a bag of coke in my stuff and told the security about it." Harry quickly parts his lips. He was imagining she had to tell him something bad about Scarlett, but not something this bad. He can't imagine Scarlett at all doing something like that but he also remembers how she got his last envelope of coke. She put it in her bag, to keep him away from it.

Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα