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When Scarlett wakes up the day after she doesn't quite know how to feel. She feels humiliated and mad because of Harry, but she also feels slightly better because her night didn't go that bad after all if she thinks about Connor. He's nice and funny and he didn't make her think about Harry for the whole night. The problem comes when he's not here.
When she leaves her bed she notices that Avery is locked up in the bathroom and Cielo is on her bed looking for something on her laptop. She's too tired to ask any questions.
When Avery comes out she's a big smile on her face.

"So, how did your date went?" she asked precisely the question she didn't want her to ask. She didn't want to talk about how Harry stood her up.

"He didn't show up, I met another guy at the bar" Avery doesn't know if she should bash Harry because he didn't show up or just be happy because she enjoyed her night anyway.

"How come this never happen to me when a guy doesn't show up!" Scarlett laughs at her words and knows that is exactly what Avery wanted.

"And what did you do last night?"Avery asks Cielo. She looks at her with a weird expression, she doesn't know what to say. Scarlett notices that she's been very weird lately.

"Uhm... a date too! It went well" she says with a big smile. Scarlett isn't quite sure about that smile, it seems fake but after all she doesn't know Cielo that well. She must be exaggerating.

"You didn't come back till early this morning... I imagine it went more than well" Avery says with a sly smile.

"Yeah, I was coming back here but then he texted me after a bit saying he wanted to hang out in his room. I fell asleep there" she says not too focused on their conversation. Her laptop's screen was definitely more interesting.

"I'm going to take a shower" Scarlett says interrupting their conversation. She didn't want to hear how their date went well when hers totally sucked. Or better, didn't happen at all.

"I'm going to buy breakfast, do you want anything?" Scarlett shakes her head before disappearing in the bathroom and Cielo asks for a donut and coffee.
When Cielo hears the water of Scarlett's shower from the bathroom she finally feels less worried. She hates Avery asking so many questions but just because she hates lying to them and at the moment she knows she has to lie. She couldn't tell them about Harry and what they had done and talked about.
When someone knocks at her door she's sure that Avery has forgotten her keys, she leaves her laptop on her bed and walks toward the door. When she sees Harry, she's quite surprised. He comes inside, without giving her the time to react properly.

"You forgot your watch in my room last night!" he takes her watch from his pocket and Cielo quickly understands why he's here. She hadn't realized she was missing her watch and she's too focused on Harry to notice that she can't hear the water in the bathroom anymore. She quickly turns her head toward the bathroom's door and Scarlett is right there, with her wet hair and a tiny towels wrapped around her naked body. She seems sad, mad and shocked at the same time but Cielo can't really tell why. She quickly takes her watch from Harry and thanks him.
Scarlett's eyes are on Harry now, it seems like she's trying to kill him with just her stare, on the other hand Harry seems quite unbothered. Since last night, after he called her, his humor has been like shit.
Scarlett goes toward her closet without saying anything at all, she takes her clothes and goes back to the bathroom shutting it closed with a hard push.

"Do you know each other?" Cielo whispers to Harry, as soon as Scarlett is gone.

"None of your business!" he says with a hard stare, before leaving the room without adding anything more. Cielo is more confused than ever.
Harry wasn't expecting Scarlett to be there, but on the other hand he didn't care. She was the one that had gone out with Connor, he had nothing to apologize for.
Since he had seen them together he couldn't stop thinking about her. He wanted to be with her, at his place. He wanted her. Seeing her like that, in her room, almost naked had almost driven him crazy. He had never felt like that. He was about to lose his goddamn mind all because of that girl.
If he wasn't that captured by her, he would've thought about Cielo. He knew that if he had met Cielo a couple of weeks ago he would've already fucked her, and yet he hadn't thought about it for not even a second last night.
He had to talk to her.
He's not that surprised to see her in the library, she's always there after all looking through the same old books.
Her hair is still wet and in a pony tail, she's not wearing any makeup. It looks like she left the room in a rush and Harry thinks he knows why. She's wearing a little white sun dress and ivory flats.
When she hears him, she looks at him and when she recognizes him she quickly tries to run away but Harry is faster and grabs her forearm to stop her.

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