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*contains strong sexual contents

Happy international women's day!! I hope you like my gift

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Harry knows what he has to do. He's been known for quite a long time now, he just doesn't seem to be able to do so. He prefers ruining whatever is left between him and Cielo, with harsh words and a fake disinterestedness. He prefers tearing her down, using his bad temper to turn her away from him, because he's too much of a coward to do it himself. He wants her to recognize that she can do so much better, to walk away on her own, instead of just sending her away. He doesn't want to break her heart, but he probably already is every day that does by, with the way he's treating her. He's almost never home, he's always out with Aaron, Spencer and Wes, or on his own, to try to find out more about what happened to Scarlett, and when he's home he just ignores her or mistreats her. The truth is that he likes to blame Cielo for the choice he's took of getting with her, for thinking that Scarlett had decided to leave him, because it's easier than blaming himself, or Scarlett. When he wakes up this morning, he immediately walks toward the kitchen when he sees that Cielo is not in bed. He founds her, cooking breakfast, for the two of them. When she sees him, a sparkle of worry fills up her eyes. She should have gotten used to Harry's bad temper by now and yet she still feels hurt every time.

"I made breakfast..." she says, her voice weak. Almost worried about bothering him just with the sound of her voice. She leans on the counter two plates with eggs, toasts and bacon. Harry's favorite. Harry slowly walks toward the counter and takes place on the stool right in front of the one Cielo's sat on. Harry knows by now that every time he tears Cielo down she tries to do better, to please him, instead of walking away like she deserves. Harry thinks that it's probably because he's the only one she can rely on, right now, and maybe that's why he's so scared to walk away.

"We need to talk..." Harry tells her, going straight to the point. It's been a long time since the last time Cielo's heard this tone of voice. He's not mad, or bothered, he just looks very serious. She slowly nods her head, agreeing to listen to whatever he has to say. "I'll be leaving for New York soon..." he starts, trying to find the right words. He doesn't want to hurt her. "It's pointless to go on with it..." he moves his index between the two of them, to indicate what they have right now, their relationship. Cielo had figured out that this is what he wanted to say, there's no surprise on his face, just a lot of pain. Her eyes become teary soon enough and Harry feels his heart aching at the sight. He didn't want things to go like that but he can't keep hurting her and hoping she'd be the one to leave him.

"I don't understand... did I do something wrong?" She asks in a whisper, not trusting her voice at the moment. She thinks she's going to end up crying and she's probably right. She can tell it by the burning feeling in her eyes.

"Are you really asking me if you did something wrong?!" Harry shakes his head. "I treated you like shit for weeks, you should be happy that I'm finally leaving you."

"There's been a lot going on for you lately... I thought it was just a phase." She shrugs her shoulders and sniffs, feeling extremely vulnerable right now in front of him. She doesn't even have the courage to meet his eyes.

"There's no excuse for the way I've been treating you, Cielo. Never excuse a man for his shitty behavior, you understand me?!" He takes her face between his hands, to force her eyes on his. Cielo slowly nods her head and dries with the back of her hand the tears that have started to stream down her face now. "I'm so sorry for everything, you deserve so much better." He kisses her forehead, before stepping away from her, back on his stool.

"And I think that you keep underestimating yourself, Harry." She sniffs. "You're so much better than the role you force yourself into." She walks toward him and gets on her tip toes to kiss the corner of his mouth. Maybe that's always been his favorite thing about Cielo. The way she looks at him, the hope and unconditional love she has for him... a kind of love and hope he's never had for himself. He'd like to think that she's right but the truth is that she doesn't have any idea of what he's done and what he's about to do. He had to make her leave.

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