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Cielo has never been in New York and she wasn't expecting to visit it any time soon when she first moved in the United States, but Harry had completely changed her life. He had turned it completely around, in a way she would've never imagined. She would've never imagined of being so spontaneous with her decisions, so carefree and so love-driven. Not once she's felt what she's feeling for Harry now, what she's been feeling for him in a long time. On the ride in the taxi from the Grand Central Station to Harry's house, Cielo's eyes had been out on the window all the time, amazed and captured by every new thing or characteristic building she was finding along the road, while her hand had intertwined with Harry's, on his lap, for all the ride toward his house.
If Cielo had been surprised in seeing how beautiful his place in Washington was, his loft in New York completely takes her breath away. Once they get in, she looks around the spacious and bright living room, with a huge window towering over the whole New York City. It looks completely like a movie, if not better, with all the modern, yet luxurious furnitures and all the arts filling the space around.

"Did you furnish it?" She naively asks, following him up the stairs, to where she assumes his — now theirs — room is. Harry giggles and shakes his head.

"I think my dad hired some famous interior designer or something." Cielo slightly parts her lips, even more surprised than before at how rich he is. She didn't even know that you could actually pay a stranger to furnish your house. Harry's room is very similar to his room in Washington. She can tell than there's his own touch, with all the rock bands posters neatly pinned to his walls, the record player in a corner with all of his old vinyls right next to it, the big prevalence of black and a big collection of DVDs. He leans their bags next to his bed and then turns toward her. "Do you feel tired?" He asks, his hands on his hips now, while he waits for her answer.

"No, I'm fine! Did you have something in mind?" She curiously asks.

"Yeah, wanna show you a place." He says excited, with his eyes basically lighting up. Cielo smiles back and nods her head, immediately infected by his same excitement. She takes the bag that had put in her backpack and puts everything she needs in it, before giving Harry the ok to go. This time, they take Harry's Range Rovers. Apparently, he's at least one in every city he owns a house in. The ride in the car is not too long, once he's found somewhere to park they start walking together through an alley that Harry's very familiar with. He remembers clearly the last time he's been here, it was with Scarlett and it didn't end up that well. When Harry forces open the old door Cielo has the same reaction as Scarlett.

"What are you doing?!" She asks alarmed, with her lips slightly parted and her eyes widened at his reckless action. He just laughs it off and takes her hand, dragging her inside.

"It's fine, don't worry! No one ever comes here but me." He closes the door at their backs and then lifts up the trap-door in the floor and jumps in, waiting for Cielo to do the same. She jumps in, just like him, adapting quite quickly to the reckless situation Harry's put her in. Once Harry's turned on the light of the little lamp he's bought Cielo looks around with a mix of curiosity and amazement for the little piece of corner he's created himself.

"This place is so cool..." She says amazed, putting down her bag and taking off her jacket. "How did you find it?"

"I just had a lot of time on my own..." He takes his jacket off too and walks toward his record player, looking for something to play between the various records spread all over the ground near the player. Once he's found what he was looking for he puts it on and Joni Mitchell's voice quickly fills up the small room underground.

"I like it here..." Cielo observes, sitting down with him and smiles.

"Yeah, I knew you would've liked it..." Harry murmurs, wrapping his arm around her waist and taking a small peck on her lips. Cielo immediately brings her hand on his cheek and keeps her lips on his own for a longer amount of time, just enjoying the nearness and warmness of each other's bodies. Harry's hand quickly disappears between her silky hair, pushing her face against his own even more, to deepen their kiss. Cielo's tongue dances with his own, matching and following his movements, without any rush in the world. Unlike their tongues, their hands seem way more hungry for the contact with their bodies, greedily grabbing every portion of skin they can find. Harry holds her hair in his fist, creating knots that weren't there a second before, while the other wanders through the thin fabric of her dress, running across her curves and creeping through the fabric, sometimes, to reach her full breasts. Cielo slowly lies down, dragging Harry, by his t-shirt, down on her. He adjusts between her legs, lifting up the fabric of her dress to expose them for his greedy touch.

"I definitely like this place..." she smirks against his lips, when he takes her dress off of her body and he giggles at her words. His t-shirt leaves his body too very soon, so that her warm hands can explore his tattooed chest, feeling every detail of it behind her palm. Harry's lips run across her jaw and neck, peppering his way down to her cleavage with kisses. His hands quickly go on her back, reaching for her bra to take off and once he's succeeded he immediately reaches her breasts with his lips and hands, surrounding her nipple with lips and tongue, while the other ends up between his skilled fingers. She holds him against her, passing her fingers through his hair, while one of his hand goes down to her wet center, palming her through the fabric of her panties.

"You're dripping, baby..." he moans against her tanned skin, still stimulating her with his fingers through the fabric of her panties. She moans at his dirty words, absolutely loving this part of him in bed, and before she can ask, he finally takes off her panties, throwing it where her dress is. Her hands reach the button of his jeans too and she takes off his jeans and boxers at the same time, not really wanting to wait anymore to have him in her. He has to stand up to completely take off his pants, letting them fall on the ground once he's succeeded. Cielo, once she's kneeled down, wraps her hand around his shaft, starting to slowly move it. Her movements focus on the base of his length and slowly brings her head to his tip, her lips immediately wrapping around it. She takes a couple of slow licks at the head, things that drives him completely insane and then she welcomes the rest of him in her mouth, following the same rhythm of her hands on the base. Harry brings his hands in her hair, pushing them away from her face, completely overwhelmed by her mouth. Soon enough they're both on the ground, Cielo behind him, kissing and caressing each other's bodies. Once he's put on the condom he's gotten from his wallet, he aligns himself to her enter and slowly slides in, feeling welcomed by her tight and warm walls. She immediately pants his name, wrapping her legs around his pelvis and her arms around his neck. Harry buries his face in her neck, starting to move into her immediately at a steady pace. She loves feeling him on her body, the way he presses his body down on hers and hungrily kisses and bites every portion of her skin he can find. The only sound filling up the room at the moment is the slapping of their skins and their shaky moans.

"Yes, baby... right there!" Cielo moans, when he repeatedly hits the right spot, and pushes her neck backwards, her eyes completely shut, matching how blind and overwhelmed she feels by him and the way he's deeply buried into her.

"You feel so god, darling." He pants, caressing her thigh with his hand, before firmly grabbing it afterwards, to push inside of her at a quicker pace. He slightly raises himself up to push into her at a different angle and his stare immediately stops on the way Cielo's breasts bounces every time he pounds inside of her. "I won't last a lot longer..." he tells her, feeling incredibly near to his high at the new pace he's pushing inside of her.

"Me too!" She immediately says and Harry can feel it. He can feel it by the way her whole body shakes and by the way her walls throbs around him. He keeps one of his hand on her thigh and the other on her pelvis, going deep and hard, hitting the spot he knows that drives her crazy. They reach their highs at a few minutes of distance, both holding on to each other's, while they ride their highs, completely overwhelmed by their love making. Harry falls on her, feeling completely worn out and Cielo, with a satisfied smile, wraps her arms around him and closes him in a hug. There's nothing else she wants more than living every day like this for the rest of her life.


Harry couldn't really tell if things were going better or worse. Scarlett is trying, she really is. She isn't spending the whole day in bed anymore, she attends classes sometimes, eats again, watches movies with him and they've started having sex again, but Harry's not too sure she's doing all of it because she wants or just to do him a favor. There's still something very different in the way she does things, he can tell the majority of time she doesn't really enjoys what they do or the time they spend together and sometimes he thinks that she's just doing something to please him and maybe that's not going to help her at all. He just misses his old Scarlett. She doesn't talk a lot, she gets often lost in her own thoughts and sometimes, she's her aggressive moments. Harry feels like she's way more paranoid now. She's often jealous, as if Harry would ever hurt her in any way, or have eyes from someone else.

"She totally wanted to fuck you!" She screams at him, once they get back home, and slams the door behind her. Harry rolls his eyes and nervously rubs his face, already tired of the same conversation they have over and over again.

"Who cares!" Harry sits down on the couch, wanting to turn on the television to put an end to this stupid argument.

"I do!" She stops right in front of him, with her hands on her hips while she looks at him. "I don't want you to go to that damn bar again." Harry furrows his eyebrows, considering completely crazy her request — or better; order. This morning they had decided to have breakfast to the cafe down the street together and Scarlett had gone completely crazy at the waitress shamelessly flirting with him. It's not like Harry flirted back or encouraged her, but Scarlett didn't care. She never acknowledges the fact that Harry, not once, has ever given in to the advances of some other girl.

"It's literally the only cafe on the street, don't be ridiculous..." Harry sighs and rolls his eyes again. Scarlett sits down next to him, taking his chin between her fingers to make him look at her.

"I don't care... I don't want you to go." She shakes her head to reinforce her concept. "Can you do what I ask you for once?" She says exasperated.

"I always do what you say, for fuck's sake!" Harry stands up and shakes his head in disbelief at her words. "You've already prohibited me to go to two restaurants, three shops, a library and a movie theater... all of this in a span of a month and I've always done what you wanted but it's getting tiring." Harry sighs, really hoping to make her resonate on her crazy behavior because he's honestly so tired of it.

"So what?!" Scarlett laughs, shaking her head at him. "You want to break up with me?" She crosses her arms to her chest, knowing perfectly that he's too dependent on her to ever let her go. She knows it damn well and she's always taking advantage of this weakness of his. Harry stays silent, because he knows it too. She stands up and brings her hand on his cheek. "Nobody cares about you but me, Harry." She's told him this before and Harry's started to believe it a long time ago. Another one of her sick ways to attach him to her even more deeply, by making him believe that he's no one else, apart from her. "Not even your friends really like you." She laughs. "They just care about your money."

"I can't stand you anymore, I swear to God." Harry pushes her hand away and turns his back to her, to walk toward their bedroom. Scarlett follows him, without saying anything, at least not until she sees him taking a backpack and stuffing some of his stuff inside of it.

"What are you doing?" She asks alarmed, feeling scared now. Maybe she's exaggerated.

"I'm sleeping at Poe's tonight!" She immediately feels bothered, by the possibility that he could actually go and meet somewhere else instead of her bother. She can't help but feeling this insane, burning jealousy when it comes to him.

"Do what the fuck you want, that's what you always do anyway." Scarlett crosses her arms to her chest and sits down on the bed, looking at him putting a few of his stuff together to leave.

"You know that I don't, but maybe I should start doing so." He tells her, before leaving the room and showing him all the rage he's feeling by slamming the door of the room closed behind him, to make clear to her that he doesn't want her to follow him. For the whole ride toward the campus Harry's felt a weird feeling of worry. Every time he does something that Scarlett doesn't want him to do he feels this way. He repeats himself, every time, that he shouldn't feel this way if he knows he's doing the right thing. After all, he's not doing anything wrong. Maybe he just feels bad in leaving her alone, or when he doesn't do what she wants him to do. No matter how mad he's at her, he always feels bad when he lets her down in any way. When he gets to the campus there're not a lot of people around, probably because the academic year, after all, is almost finished. Some people already left, while others are getting ready to leave for the holidays. Harry hasn't been here in a long time since he's dropped out. He greets some familiar faces but without stopping he keeps walking toward the room he used to share with Poe. He hasn't seen him either in a long time. When he sees a face, more familiar than the others, he immediately stops, just like she does.

"Hey..." Cielo says with a light smile. The last time he's seen her it was that time at his house, after she's found out the truth about her mother. He's felt bad about it, but he really couldn't sneak away to see her with Scarlett in that state.

"Hi..." He smiles too. "How are you?"

"Better..." she tells him. "Honestly better." She adds when she sees the doubtfully expression on his beautiful face. "I'm happy I know the truth now, at least..." She really seems honest and more relaxed than usual. She really looks good and Harry's just very happy for her. She starts walking toward one of her class to drop something off and Harry follows her without asking any questions. "You?"

"Fine..." he says. "I guess." He adds, when he realizes that maybe, unlike her, he doesn't seem to honest. They get to the empty class and Cielo leaves a paper on the desk, where some other papers are.

"What's wrong?" She asks, sitting down on the desk, with her arms crossed at her chest.

"Just... some problems with Scarlett, I guess." He lowers his stare and shrugs his shoulders. Cielo is not sure she wants to know, or is actually allowed to ask more questions. Maybe she should mind her own business, but after all Harry's her friend and she's just worried for him and whatever is going on with him. She's told him a long time ago that Scarlett wasn't good for him and she still feels like she's sucking all his life out of him.

"Wanna talk about it?" She sweetly asks, a slight smile on her lips while she looks at him and Harry feels immediately safe to tell her everything, or part of it.

"She's just very jealous... in an obsessive way, I think. And she's not good, she's going through some stuff but she doesn't talk to me about it." Cielo would like to tell him that she's noticed it a long time ago, but she doesn't think that would help. To her, basically everything Scarlett does is driven by the sick desire of owning him, in any way. And maybe Harry's never noticed the unhealthy way she's attached to him because, after all, that's what he's always wanted; someone that cares about him.

"You know what I think about it, so it's useless to repeat it over and over again." She shrugs her shoulders. "I think you deserve better, Harry. Better than someone that treats you like a puppet." Harry laughs at her words, not really taking them seriously. It's funny that when he first met Scarlett he thought that, between the two of them, he would've been the one she should've ran away from and now everyone's been telling him that he should run away from her. He's not sure he wants to, or ever will.

"I love her, I can't leave her." Harry shakes his head and Cielo would like to tell him that she knows that he loves her. She knows damn well. She's always known. She's always loved the way he looks at her. She's never felt mad or jealous in seeing them together. It hurt, sure... but she's always liked it. She's always liked the way he looks at her. He's never looked at anyone, the way he looks at her. Not Cielo for sure, he's never seen her at all. That's when she realized she loved him, when she realized she wanted to be looked by him the same way he looks at her.

"Not always people are deserving of our love." Cielo tells him, with a weak smile of her lips.

"You've ever loved someone that didn't deserve it?" Harry genuinely asks, curious of the possibility. He doesn't think Scarlett is undeserving of his love, because he just loves the way loving her makes him feel. He loves loving her. He's addicted to the feeling of giving a receiving love back. Cielo thinks about it. She could remind him of her fake grandmother but then again he probably is talking about a different kind of love.

"I've only ever loved someone and I think this person deserves every kind of love in the world, even if maybe he doesn't see it." She whispers, bringing her hand on Harry's cheek to caress it. Harry doesn't need to ask her who she's talking about. He can tell by the way she's looking at him, something that he's maybe always known, but never believed it. Harry doesn't understand why, or how, someone like her would ever love him but the first thing he can think about is that Scarlett was right all along in saying that Cielo had feelings for him. She doesn't know why, if for his silence, or for the way he's looking at her, but for a second she forgets about everything and his lips are the only thing she can see. She gets on her tiptoes and brings her lips on his, her hand resting of his cheek. Harry feels completely frozen, when he feels her lips on his. He can't seem to move at all, and he doesn't know if he should. Cielo has been wanting to do this for a long time now and never in her wildest dreams she would've thought to feel the way she's feeling now. She feels her heart exploding inside her chest, crazily wanting to jump out and she feels like her legs are all jelly too, she's not sure they're going to sustain her weigh for a lot longer. Right behind the door ajar, Scarlett's been looking at the whole scene feeling a stab straight to her heart. A stab is the only way she can explain the aching pain she's feeling in her chest right now, digging a hole right through it, without any kind of mercy. She has to quickly dry the tear streaming down her face and has too quickly walk away. Away from the only man she's ever loved and that has just shattered her heart into million pieces. She leaves right before he see the way Harry pushes her off of him and backs away.

"I can't do that..." he shakes his head and nervously rubs his forehead. As soon as he's realized what was happening Scarlett had been the first thought on his mind. He couldn't do something like that to her. He loves and respects her way too much for it. "Despite everything I love her." Cielo nods her head, feeling absolutely mortified. She doesn't know what she was thinking of getting from it. Everything she was feeling a second before gets immediately replaced with a sense of repulsion and sadness for her own actions.

"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have done that." She lowers her stare, feeling her cheeks completely on fire. Harry slowly backs away and walks toward the door, just wanting to go out of this situation as fast as she can and Cielo lets him go, without following him out. She waits a few minutes, before leaving the class too and she immediately stops in her tracks when she sees Scarlett, not so far away from her, talking on the phone.

"I'm not coming!" Her tone of voice is hard. "You have what?" She stays silent for a few seconds. "You really there's something about Harry that I don't know? What is it?" Cielo stays hidden, listening to whatever she's saying. "Alright... I'll see you at home in a hour. Don't try to make me stay, because I won't." She immediately ends the call and puts her phone back inside her pocket, before starting walking toward the parking lot. When she first received the call from her father she didn't even want to answer but then he's told her how Penelope has found something about Harry, something big and she was incredibly tempted to find out whatever he's hiding something else from her or not. After today she's found out that she was absolutely right; she can't trust him.


Cielo and Harry have spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling and listening to music in that small room underground that Harry has put on with so much care. Cielo has never felt this complete, it really feels like everything she wants in life. They talk and talk, about their future mostly and try not to think about their past anymore, but Cielo can't help to think about something in particular while Harry mentions one thing and another.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks, looking at him and he immediately nods, slightly curious of the way she suddenly turned serious. "You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to but that night Scarlett... she had a file about you." Harry knows what she exactly wants to know as soon as she mentions it. It's weird, because he's never told anyone what happened with Clarice and maybe that was his mistake. If he had been honest with Scarlett until the very first start maybe things would've been very different now, they would have gone in an other way. So, this time he decides to tell the truth.

"With what I'm about to tell you, you could change your opinion on me forever." He sighs and lifts himself up, sitting down and turning toward her so that he can look at her in the face. Cielo does the same.

"I know who you're and I don't think you would ever do something that bad to make me change my opinion on you." Cielo tells, sure of what she's saying and Harry sighs, nodding his head, feeling ready to tell her anything about that night and Clarice.

"There was this girl named Clarice. She was my friend back then, during my bad period." He starts, not really knowing from where exactly to start. "We used to do drugs together and have sex, sometimes." Cielo listens to him without interrupting. She's really appreciating the fact that he's decided to talk to her about it. "I was high all the time, back then. I really didn't understand shit, the majority of the time." He sighs, nervously rubbing his forehead at the memory of it. "One night we had just decided to get high together and then we had sex. All I remembered back then was the end of it; my hand was wrapped around her neck and she was dead behind me." Cielo slightly parts her lips at his words, not fully believing what he's just said. She's hoping that there's more to it, something that he hasn't told her yet because she can't imagine him doing something as horrible as killing someone. Harry quickly dries the tears that had started to fill up both his eyes while he was speaking. "I thought I had killed her, but then during the autopsy they saw that the cause of death had been a drug overdose." Cielo lets out a sigh of relief, feeling able to breathe again all of sudden. "But it doesn't change the fact that I, in some way, killed her. I could've realized it and I could've called an ambulance and she would still be good today. I might not have killed her, but it was still my fault." Cielo sighs at his words and immediately wraps her arms around him to close him in a hug.

"You were a kid and you were on drugs." She caresses his cheek. "You didn't want her to die, you didn't do it on purpose." She tells him, trying to make him resonate about it. She can't imagine how it must be to live with such a huge guilt. If she would've been at his place, she would've blamed herself too but she can't imagine at all how it must be. Every time she gets to know something more about him every little detail, shade makes even more sense than before.

"It still doesn't make it any better. There's a mother out there that lost her daughter and I did nothing to prevent that." Cielo doesn't know what to say anymore. She could repeat him again that, after all, he didn't do it on purpose but it's something that probably won't make it any better. What happened that night is guilt Harry's learned to live with and will probably have to live with for the rest of his life. No matter how better people get, you can't ever erase something like that from your life and mind, and maybe it's the right thing to do. Maybe, acknowledging a mistake is the best and bravest thing you can do in some cases.


Wes wasn't supposed to stay in his office until so late in the evening, but he also wants to help Aaron in such a hard period, so he had offered to give in some papers for him. When he checks the time again it says it's past 7 P.M. now, which means he's checked it just less than ten minutes ago, and for some reason the paperwork doesn't seem to decrease, just like the time that seems to stay invariable.

"Hey Wes!" He quickly brings his eyes on the open door of his office, to find Mark, their secretary, which he had already recognized from the voice. "There's a woman here asking to talk to someone working on Scarlett's case... do you want me to let her in?" Wes furrows his eyebrows, immediately curious about this person. He wasn't expecting anybody, especially at this hour.

"Sure, let her in!" He nods his head. Normally Aaron is the one doing this stuff, but everybody has already left by this time and, for today, so has he. He really deserved a break. Mark disappears down the corridor, just to come back with a woman, as he's said. Once she's in, he closes the door behind her and leaves the two of them alone. Wes immediately stands up to shake the hand of the woman, who walks toward him with a slight smile. She's thin, pretty tall compared to the average height and she has long blonde hair, with a set of blue eyes.

"How can I help you?" Wes politely asks her, once they've both sat down.

"I know it sounds weird..." she starts saying. He can hear a French accent in her voice. It's not that strong but still audible. She nervously adjusts a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. "But that dead girl on the news, Scarlett... she's my daughter."


"God, I'm starving..." Harry says, getting up from the floor. "I'm going to take something to eat, alright?" Cielo nods her head at his words. Harry starts getting dressed, while she stays down, relaxing to the chill beat of a song she doesn't really know. She's not that expert when it comes to music. Growing up, records were definitely something of too expensive for her, but Harry had a good taste and she was loving everything he had put on so far. "Sushi?" He asks her, once he's ready to leave.

"Yes, please!" She smiles at him and before leaving he bows down to leave a kiss on her lips. "Don't take too long!" She tells her, before seeing him disappear up, out of the underground room. Cielo closes her eyes, trying to relax for a bit, but as soon as tries to the music stops. She snorts and she decides to get up to change the record. She checks the one on the floor but they've probably listened to the majority of it already, so she moves toward the ones neatly adjusted in the last shelf of a bookcase. She looks between the various records of The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Blondie, captured by the bright colors and designs, or pictures in some cases. She's decided to look at them all before picking one, but when she gets at the half of the long pile she notices something sticked behind it. She stretches her arm behind the pile of records and immediately touches a fabric of some kind, that she pulls out. Once she finds the hidden object between her hands she immediately recognizes it. She feels her heart stopping beating inside of her chest. Between her hands there's Scarlett's bag, the one she had the night before the disappearance. She recognizes the fabric of it, she could never forget it. The only different thing is the blood stained on the fabric. She tries to look for an explanation. At first she thinks that they can have a similar bag, so she decides to check what's inside. She can't stop the tears from falling when she finds inside the file, "HARRY STYLES" written on it, an iPhone, with the screen smashed and a small "S" sticker on it and everything else that she owned; her wallet, with her documents, a pair of headphones, a charger and a Robert Lee Frost's book. At first, she doesn't even realize that the tears that are wetting her face at the moment are her own. She feels stupid, scared and upset. Everything has just miserably fallen down, every certainty she had and any kind of trust she had rested in him. Maybe he was right in saying that he wasn't deserving of any kind of love and yet, somehow, he manages to appear like a big source of light, he's the ability of making you look at him in a total different way, as if the light she's always seen in him was in reality some sort of haze, invading and blinding every common sense she's ever had. She wonders if Scarlett felt like that too. For the first time she thinks that the only truth that has ever left his mouth is that he doesn't deserve any kind of love.


Scarlett can still feel his touch on her skin, his smell and his taste on her lips. She feels completely destroyed, wrecked but determined. She knows what she has to do this time. She sits down the — now — empty stairs of the campus and takes out her phone. Once he's dialed his number he answers right away.

"Scarlett..." his voice sounds concerned, but also surprised that she has decided to call him.

"Dad..." she immediately breaks down and she doesn't really have to pretend this time. She feels broken, like there's nothing left now. Nothing matters anymore. She also hasn't used this word in such a long time and she feels her heart ache, just as much as Aaron's. He immediately feels his heart crazily beating against his chest when he feels her crying.

"What's wrong honey?" She sniffs, trying to stop her crying in order to talk to him.

"I'm so sorry for everything..." She sobs loudly, not really knowing from where to start. A silent tear streams down his tired face too. He doesn't cry a lot and he wonders what would Scarlett think if she could see him right now. "You were right, I can't trust him." She sniffs again, feeling her already sore heart aching every time more intensely. "I think he's gonna hurt me... I'm scared." She admits, finding herself shaking at her own lie. "I just wanna come back home, dad..."

"I'm coming to get you right now. Where are you?" Even if Scarlett can't see him he's already gotten up and is looking around the house for his jacket and car keys. What he wants to do right now, more than anything, except bringing her back home is to smash the face of that boy for everything he's ever done to his daughter. He's not sure he even wants to know, he's not sure he can.

"No!" She immediately says. "J-just come tomorrow. I'll meet you at the station in the morning. I need to put my stuff together first." Aaron would like to insist, telling her that he'll wait for her or help her to put her stuff together, but it's already a lot she's decided to come back home and he doesn't want her to feel forced, he wants to give her her time and space.

"Alright... then I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks, feeling his chest getting lighter somehow.

"I'll see you tomorrow, dad." She whispers, drying up her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt, before ending the call and putting her phone back to place.


When Harry comes back, with a bag full of sushi, the first thing he sees is Cielo crying in a corner. Tears are heavily streaming down her face. She's dressed now, she's sat down in the corner, with her knees hugged to her chest. He furrows his eyebrows, concern taking over his whole face at the sight. He puts the bag down and looks at her with confusion and worry.

"What's wrong?" He tries to get near, while she keeps looking at him and crying, without saying anything at all. At this point he immediately notices the bag on the ground, with various objects. "What's that?" He asks at her, lowering down to examine it. He recognizes his file, Scarlett's phone and the rest of her stuff and he immediately feels a knot in his throat, anxiety, fear and rage taking over every feature of his body. "What did you do?" He screams at her and tries to get near, to make her stop crying and give some sort of answer, but as soon as he takes a step toward her she widens her eyes in fear and makes herself even smaller in the little corner of the room. Before he can do or say anything at all he hears the sirens outside and soon enough Aaron and some other agents are invading his space, their guns pointed against him.

"Harry Styles, put your hands up!" Aaron tells him. Harry's already seen this stare. The same one of the interrogations, when he thought he was guilty. When he thought he was the killer. The same exact one.

"I'm so sorry..." Cielo tells him. She's gotten up now, still attached to the wall, as if she's almost scared she would fall to the ground without some sort of support. She keeps sobbing while looking at the sight. Harry looks at her still confused, because none of this is making sense to him. He does as Aaron says and puts his hands up. Only now he puts down his gun and walks toward him, forcing his hands behind his back, to close the handcuffs around his wrists.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Scarlett Clark." 


Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon