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helloooo guys!

This is a pretty important chapter, we can say that from now on a lot is going to change.
Also you're gonna meet a new character, who's inspired off Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. I thought it was right to specify since it's not entirely my creation.
Hope you liked the chapter, let me know what your predictions are and see you to the next chapter.

When Harry opens his eyes, for the sirens of the ambulance getting near, he realizes what has happened. The car has being pushed to the other side of the road and the truck has hit the car from Scarlett's side. He feels in pain, and that's positive because it means he can still feel his body, he's covered in blood but he's not sure it's his because he can't see any bleeding wound on his body. He forces himself to look over to Scarlett, her body is leaning on his, probably because of the impact and her blonde hair are covering her face, he's not sure he's supposed to touch her. The bottle she had in her hand got destroyed during the impact and the glasses of it have cut Scarlett's on the lap and arms.

"Scar... tell me you're fine, please." He begs her, not moving of an inch, because it could be dangerous for her, considering she's leaning on him. "Babe, wake up!" He says again, but she doesn't answer or move, at all. Two paramedics, that have came out of the ambulance quickly approaches the car, from Harry's side, since the truck is stopped from Scarlett's side of the car.

"Take her first!" Harry quickly screams at them, when they open his door. "I'm fine, I'm not sure about her, so please take her first." The two paramedics decide to listen to him, and with careful movements they take Scarlett out of the car and put her on a stretcher. He can finally see her face, she's a wound on her head and she's been losing a lot of blood but he can't tell if there are more damages. He quickly gets out of the car, on his own feet, and follows her behind.

"I wanna go with her!" He quickly tells them, holding his sore arm. That's the only thing that actually hurts the most, it's probably broken or dislocated, but he doesn't really care now.

"Yeah, you need to be visited too." One of the two paramedic says, as soon as he gets inside of the ambulance. He feels fine, maybe a little confused but it's nothing major, at least according to him.

"I'm fine, it's just my arm hurting." The paramedic starts to check his arm, while Harry keeps his eyes on Scarlett. "How is she? Will she be fine?"

"The vital parameters are stable, we'll know more when she gets to the hospital." The paramedic calm tone of voice definitely makes him less worried.


Scarlett's never felt such an acute pain like the one she's feeling at the head right now. When she opens her eyes her sight is a little blurred, she's not sure she remembers what has happened or where she is. When her sight focuses on the place she is in and the persons in front of her she feels pretty confused. She's at the hospital and in front of her there's her father, with worry in his eyes, caressing her face.

"Where's Harry?" She quickly murmurs, trying to remember what happened. She remembers her drinking and the truck, then total darkness. She needs to know that Harry is alright.

"How do you feel honey?" Aaron ignores her question, trying to make sure she feels fine. The doctors have said that it's nothing major, that she's going to be fine in a couple of days and that she just needs to rest now. She had a cut on her head, so she's lost a lot of blood but there was no internal damage so she's going to be fine.

"Fine... just, a headache." She brings a hand to her head, feeling the bandage around it. She looks around the room but Harry is nowhere in sight.

"What were you doing in New York?"

"I-I came with Harry. Is he ok dad?" At this point, she doesn't care anymore about hiding. She's scared shitless, she just wants to know Harry's safe and sound.

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