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vote and comment pls, and if you wanna ask me anything my curious cat is groenevogue x


Scarlett doesn't remember exactly how, or when, she fell asleep but she must have, since when she opens her eyes, she doesn't recognize the room she is in as hers. She's laying on Harry's muscular torso, which is, weirdly enough, more comfortable than what she imagined, probably because of the warmth it exudes against her skin. Their legs are intertwined, one of his hands is twisted in her hair, while the other is surrounding her back. After going back to her senses, the first thing she notices, is something pointing against her lower stomach. It doesn't take her too much to realize that — that something — is Harry's morning erection. She's frozen, she doesn't know if she should wake him up and risking to put them both in an embarrassing situation or pretending like she never noticed. She could also do something about it, which she really wants to, but she's not sure Harry would appreciate her straightforwardness, so she decides to pretend she didn't notice anything. After enjoying the last few minutes in his warmth bed, between his welcoming arms and after inhaling his signature smell, she kisses the naked skin of his torso, behind her.

"Good morning..." she murmurs, with a smile on her face, seeing Harry slowly opening his eyes and smiling back at her.

"Good morning, angel." His morning voice is so much more raspier and deeper than normal, it sends Scarlett's whole body a thrill of excitement. Harry immediately perceived her weight pushing on his body and exactly what part of his body is afflicted by it the most. It's pretty much normal to wake up with a morning erection, but now, she's definitely one of the factors making it worse for him.

"It's past nine... I have to leave with Poe in less than two hours and I'm still here in bed, with you." Scarlett sighs, not really feeling sorry about it. If she could, she'd spend the whole day in bed with him. "Can I take a quick shower here?" Harry feels his dick twitching at her proposition and he's so near to push her off of him, just to avoid the embarrassment he would feel in letting her realize that he's acting like a horny teenage boy driven by his hormones just thinking about her under the shower.

"Sure," he mumbles, trying to hide his thoughts — and boner — from her. Scarlett kisses his lips for the first time, that morning, before getting out of the bed and walking toward the bathroom. Harry almost lets out a breath of relief once his dick is free from the friction caused by her body. He decides to stay in his bed, covered by his sheets, hoping that his boner just disappears on its own, but when he ears the water starting streaming, imagining her — naked — under it doesn't really help. When the water stops streaming, she opens the door after a couple of minutes, covered by nothing else than a tiny towel.

"Do you have a hairbrush?" She asks him. Her body is still wet, she waits on the door, looking at him and waiting for an answer.

"I have a comb!" Scarlett knows, by the look on his face, that she's basically torturing him and it kind of amuses her. She really can't do anything about it, they don't have enough time and a quickie just won't do it for her, as a first time with him. Harry gets out of his bed and takes a comb out of one of his drawers and gives it to her. Scarlett closes the door again and the next time she comes out, she's her sweater on again and her hair, still wet, tied up in a ponytail. She puts on her black boots again and she's ready to go.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Harry already misses her, even if she's still with him. For the past week he's seen her every day, and now he's almost jealous of this day she'll spend with her parents. It's the first time he finds himself wishing to have all the time of a girl.

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