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Bentonville, Virginia

The sun shines bright, despite of August being gone for good and for Autumn starting to make his way into the year. Bentonville starts welcoming and saying goodbye to the last tourists of the season that came here to relax before another scholastic year starts again. There're a lot of families around, enjoying the sunny day and the food they brought for their Cabin weekend.

"Tyler, wait for me!" Josh, Tyler's older brother, screams at him while he runs with his dog on the leash. Their family is having a quiet picnic not so far from the wood they're delving into.

"It's not me, it's Toby!" Tyler screams, trying to keep up with their restless dog, that is definitely bigger and stronger than his small body. Tyler starts speeding up to reach his five years old brother before he gets too far away from him. When he sees him running up a hill, he follows behind but once he's gotten up he can't see or hear his brother and dog anymore.

"Tyler!" He screams, looking around, feeling immediately his heart starting rushing into his chest. He starts walking around, looking for him and he breathes a sigh of relief when he sees both him and the dog motionless in front of another small hill. He runs toward them, stopping on his track when he sees what they're looking at. Toby, their dog, has found a hole underground.

"Don't move!" Josh warns his brother. He surpasses him and lights up the torch on his phone to look better inside. When he kneels down and points the light inside he gasps in fear, quickly crawling backwards.

"Tyler, go immediately back to mom and dad and tell them to call the ambulance and police!" He screams at his brother, who, alarmed, nods his head and starts running toward the opposite direction with his dog. His stare goes back down the hole, the figure he's pointing his light against is moving now, bothered by the sudden light.

"Please... help me," She cries out loud and Josh immediately puts down the light when he understands that it's hurting her.

"My brother went to call the police and an ambulance." Josh says, not really knowing if he can go down there to take the chains off of her wrists.

"You need to call the FBI." She quickly says. Josh furrows her eyebrows.

"The FBI?"

"Yes! You need to tell them that I'm Scarlett Clark, and I'm alive!"

An important question no one has asked: There will be a sequel? And the answer is YES.

Remission will be out on Wattpad very soon.

Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Where stories live. Discover now