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**contains VERY strong sexual content and drug abuse

I'll use ** when I start the scene, so, in case you don't want to read it, you can skip it without problems. And before you ask, yeah, that's actually a thing.

Things between Scarlett and Harry are going oddly good. Scarlett can keep whatever it's in her mind shut out when she's with Harry, she can feel like her old self again and it makes her feel good, but the problem is when Harry leaves. He's not going out a lot lately, he's noticed that Scarlett feels good when she's with him and not alone with herself, that he keeps her distracted from whatever she's so scared of. 

"You have a missed call from Steven Burns!" Scarlett screams from the bedroom, after checking his phone, while Harry is in the bathroom taking a shower. At the mention of his name he immediately takes his towel and gets out of the shower. He doesn't even dry up before leaving the bathroom and reaching the bedroom to take his phone from the bedside table. Scarlett is on the bed reading and she looks at him furrowing her eyebrows for his weird reaction.

"Who's Steven Burns?"

"A friend of my dad... it's not that interesting!" He partially lies and shrugs his shoulders. He can't call him back with Scarlett here and he can't leave her alone to make the call or she'd get suspicious.

"It apparently is for you..." She giggles, keeping her eyes on the page of her book, trying to pretend like she doesn't care, but she clearly does. She can tell when he's lying.

"Yeah, he works in the movie industry so I asked him for some advices..." He tells her the first thing he can think of. Scarlett closes the book now and turns toward him, acting like she's extremely interested in the subject now.

"Oh my God... it definitely sounds interesting! What does he do?"

"He's a producer..." Harry lies again, feeling quite worried now. He doesn't want her to ask more questions.

"A famous one?"

"Not really!" He quickly says, starting to dry up now. Once he's fully dried up he takes a pair of Calvin Klein boxers from his drawer. "Do you want to eat Mexican tonight?" Harry breaks the silence created.

"You really have a thing for Mexican, haven't you?!" Harry can feel the shade, he knows exactly what she's hinting to but the truth is that he hadn't even thought about it. He's thinking about a way to get away from her for a short amount of time without making her suspicious.

"Who doesn't?!" He plays dumb and just shrugs his shoulders. He takes his black jeans from the bed and puts them on with a grey t-shirt.

"I don't! Can we eat something else?" She really doesn't like Mexican food anymore and Cielo is the one to blame for it.

"Sushi?" Harry asks.

"Great!" She stands up from the bed. "I'll call the usual restaurant that delivers home." She tries to leave the room to get the flyer from the kitchen but Harry quickly stops her.

"No, let's get a better one. I didn't like it last time..." He quickly says. "I'll get the car, we don't need delivery... they'll take ages and I must say I'm quite hungry!"

"I'll come with you then!" She smiles at him, walking toward the closet to get dressed. Harry sighs, not really knowing how to walk out of it now.

"I'll wait for you in the car, yeah?" He tells her, considering it his last hope.

"Alright!" She tells from their walk-in closet. He takes his jacket with wallet and car keys and once he's out he immediately phones Steven back.

"Harry..." He doesn't take too much to answer.

Revenge [H.S. MATURE AU]Where stories live. Discover now