Chapter - 13

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He continuously gazed me from the other side of the table which was about three feet apart, with the vase at the center of the table using which I tried to hide myself as so naive I was to think I could stop his vision badly through me.

I was so sure I heard a light laugh and chuckle amidst the silence that held in this very room I booked for his so called business meeting. I don't know where his date was. Was she late?

If so, it was me wasting my time here rather than sleeping in my bed and watching TV which mostly included changing the channels but one I would definitely stop had been Tom and Jerry show.

I don't know why the hell I liked it so much, it's just that I liked it so. It was really better to watch Tom chase Jerry than sit in here with plate full of food but you aren't hungry enough to eat it. Maybe he harped my appetite.

Oh he! He was occasionally laughing and chewing his food like a sassy lady would save her lipstick and I couldn't laugh watching him but contort my face in silly denial of this particular thing of the rich people.

"When will meeting start? " Finally I had to say as he caught me looking at him. Why wouldn't he after all he was the one staring me all this time.

" When she comes obviously. " He sniff laughed rubbing his nose.

" Why isn't she coming then? " I said glancing my watch wondering what kind of meeting it was supposed to be at this time because this time usually meant after dinner show involving men and women alone in the room.

Is it like that?

Why would he call you idiot if he had a date.

Business meet girl!

I slapped the side of my head drumming my own thigh with the spare hand.

He is married once too and he is 30 too.

You must have date before your hair start to fall dude.

I laughed a bit watching his now black and shinning hair till now perfectly in its place.

" I don't know why she is late. She is a friend of mine and uses this fact all the time to waste my time. So here we are waiting for her! " He said quite loud.

" I could hear properly you rich face!" I muttered to myself as a reflex, ruffling my skirt.

"Why aren't you eating?" he asked me, stopping his silverware from moving posh like him.

"I don't want to sir! I am full. " I was rubbing stomach beneath the table. As the realisation got me, I ashamed rested my hand on table thinking he couldn't watch me due to the distance.

" I don't see that 'full' word to come when we have got this treat in in front of us. You must eat Miss Arshita." He said normally and started to eat.

I too touched the cutlery as I wasn't willing to listen to his banter about these expensive shits.

Oh I am going to eat this food I called shit.

"What happened? Something is there on your plate?" He asked.

Yeah it's full and I thought it shit a second before to imagine it practically sitting in front of me.

"Yuck! " I muttered to myself but he heard and sniffed in disagreement.

I looked up to find his annoyed face so my hand picked the spoon and I bit the little of the food.

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