Chapter 9

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{Chapter 9: Trip back home}

Your POV


Suga was still asleep, Jimin and V were almost at the point of fighting and the rest were on their phones / looking outside or talking with eachother like normal people.

"(Y/N)!" Jimin whisper yelled and I looked around. "Who's more handsome?" they asked in unison and I rolled my eyes. "You both are, why do you need my opinion when you have enough fangirls?" I asked.

"Okay then... who has more jams?" V asked and I immediately pointed to V. "Knew it!" V almost yelled but I put my finger on my mouth. I pointed at Suga who I thought was sleeping but he is not anymore.

My eyes widened while Suga looked around awkwardly and tired. "They did it!" I said and pointed behind me. "You were talking too!" V and Jimin whined.

"It's fine, i'll go sit next to Jin now, he's asleep as well." Suga explained and moved from seats. Jimin and V literally jumped up and fought for the seat next to me. V ended up on the chair and Jimin was sitting on his lap.

"Hey! I was here first!" Jimin whined. "But i'm sitting on the chair so shame on you!" V stook out his tongue and buckled up his seat. Jimin now sat back behind us but kept his head between our seats.

"So, (Y/n)~! Wasn't it boring with Suga? I mean-, he was sleeping the whole time." V asked and I made a 'meh' sound. "It's okay, everyone needs their sleep." I said and V's eyes widened. "So this is okay?" V asked and layed his head on my shoulder.

"If you're gonna sleep, maybe." I said and pushed his head away. "Hah! Rejected!" Jimin snorted from behind. "O-Oh! Excuse me! Hello~!" Jimin stuttered and I held in my laugh.

V put a piece of paper between the seat gap and smiled when he did. "Hey! Rude!" Jimin yelled. "Jamless people not allowed." V stook out his tongue once again.

"GuysGuysGuysGuys!" J-Hope yelled through the bus and stood up. "What?" we all yelled, kinda annoyed. "Let's do something together! Like playing a game!" J-Hope said and jumped up. "Sure... what?" Namjoon asked.

"Everything but truth or dare is fine by me." I said and J-Hope chuckled awkwardly. "Then... what about name that tune?" J-Hope asked. "Wut dat" Jungkook asked.

"Well, someone will be humming a part of a song and the first one to guess gets a point and does the next round. Easy, right?" J-Hope said and we all nodded. Some because they were bored, some because they were actually excited and me, because I want to escape from these two.

"Okay, we'll do rock paper scissors to see who goes first. The one who loses has to hum a song first!" J-Hope said and we stood ready for the little game.

"If you put paper you lose!" J-Hope yelled and everyone put stone, except for V and I, we put scissors. Everyone laughed and we laughed with them.

"It looks like it's just us." V smiled and I nodded. "If you put stone you lose!" Jungkook yelled and I put scissors once again, V put paper and I won. I looked around confused. Do I have to hum a song or not? "V, you got a song?" Jin asked and V nodded. Oh. I won!

V hummed a chorus of a song and I immediately guessed it. "It's boy in luv." I smiled and V gave me a high five. "(Y/n), your turn!" Jimin said. "Okay, I know my singing is not the best but don't judge." I said and they all nodded.

Okay, this is getting weird. Everyone went closer to me to hear my ugly humming. What song should I choose though? ...What about Lost? I really like that song!

I hummed the chorus of Lost and some of the boys their mouth stood open, making me question if I was doing bad. I stopped humming and V smiled. "That was really good!" He gave me a high five and my face got hotter again.

"...What song is it though." J-Hope questioned himself. "...I think it's Blood sweat and tears!" Jimin smiled and I shook my head. "Is it Lost?" V asked and my eyes widened.

"You're good." I said and pointed at him. "We're good!" V laughed and gave me a hug while I sat there. Mouth open in shock and my face as red as a tomato. "Ahem." Jimin coughed from behind and we quickly let go.

"Jealous much, ChimChim?" V asked with a laugh and Jimin growled a bit. "It's normal to be jealous of (Y/n) because you don't get to hug me." V made a pose that made both of us laugh and after he laughed with us.


"So...You like the song lost?" V asked and I nodded. "One of my faves!" I smiled. "But, a question." I added and V nodded. "How?" I asked and V frowned. "How what?" he asked and chuckled. "How can you keep up with all the tenors like that?" I asked and V laughed a bit.

"All a secret." V said and put his index finger in front of his mouth.  "Why? Do you like me singing?" V asked and I nodded. "I really do. It's amazing how you can go from a high to a low voice in such a short time." I answered.

"Good choice that you're saying that to me." V winked and I rolled my eyes. "It's not like you're the only person I compliment." I answered but before V could even say something my phone went off. I facepalmed and looked at who was calling me, Hikaru. 

"Hikaru again? This is the 8th time this day." I muttered to myself and V looked at my screen. "You're not picking up?" he asked and I nodded. "It's probably not important." I said and opened a random page on my phone.

For some reason, I ended up on a site where you could hire an apartment. Maybe I can escape from Hikaru now and live on my own... She won't mind. "Looking for a new crib?" Jimin asked from behind me and I jumped up a bit.

"U-Uh, yeah." I answered. "I heard that there's a room that's not hired yet where V lives." Jimin said and drank from his water. "Really?" I asked and V nodded. 

"Wanna check it out?" V asked and I nodded. "I'll take you there when we get out of this bus. Do you have your liscense by any chance?" V asked and I nodded. "Good, I only ride in toy cars for one so  it'll be hard." V answered and I laughed a bit.


"See you tomorrow, (Y/n)!" Jin yelled from the other side of the road. "V, don't you dare--!!" Jimin yelled but Suga covered his mouth. "Run as fast as you can while he's here." Suga yelled. "Goodnight!" Jungkook waved V and I goodbye and so did we.

"Nice car." V said and looked around. "Uh, thanks. So, where is our destination?" I asked as I buckled up my seat. "Oh, it's nearby, just go forward, i'll tell you the rest." V answered and I nodded.

{A/N}: Now V's part in lost (just the lost my way ay ay ay part tho) is stuck in my head T_T Maybe I should stop putting lost on repeat xd Anyways hope you enjoyed :)

Don't be a shy reader and tell me what you think~!

Ideas and advice are always welcome! And remember, stay alive~!❤

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