Chapter 19

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{Chaper 19: Come back}

--Word Count: 1289 words--

Your POV


"(Y/n)-ah, you okay?" Jin waved his hand in front of me and my eyes widened. I laughed quickly and told him I was okay and that he shouldn't worry about it. The 7 of us gathered around the table since Jimin was still outside.

"Thank you again for the ice cream, (Y/n)-ssi!" Taehyung smiled and I nodded at him. The door finally opened and Jimin walked inside with his cup of ice cream. "Oh, hi." he waved and closed the door behind him.

We all talked about the most random things during breakfast until everyone ate enough. 

"I'll do the dishes then..." Jin sighed and stood up but I stopped him. "I'll help you!" I smiled and stood up as well. Jin smiled at me and gave me a small hug. "Thank you." he said.

Taehyung's POV

'Not again... I've had enough of Jin acting so kind to (Y/n).'  I stood up as well and grabbed some plates. "I'll help too." I said and put the plates in the sink. Jin grabbed my wrist to stop me and turned me around to face him.

"Why are you doing chores lately? Do you have a fever or...?" he started and I pushed his hand away from my wrist. "Can't I do the dishes then? I'm just trying to be nice." I said and continued putting plates and cups in the sink.

"Jin, we'll do the dishes. Go and rest." (Y/n) said and Jin frowned. "Are you sure? I don't really trust that kid." Jin said and pointed at Taehyung slightly. "I'm sure. Now go rest or else I'll steal your mario plushies!" (Y/n) slapped one of his shoulders and pushed him to the living room.

My heart was racing more and more when (Y/n) came closer to me. I gulped and quickly grabbed other stuff to put into the sink. 

It was silent. The both of us had nothing to say to eachother. I took in a deep breath and finally spoke. "So... about that uh.." I started and (Y/n) chuckled. "The bathroom?" she asked and I nodded. 

"If you want to know, I'm not mad or anything." she smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "Mad about what?" Jungkook walked in the kitchen, confused as ever. I gulped and (Y/n) almost dropped a plate she was cleaning.

"Nothing!" we both said and continued doing the dishes. Jungkook frowned for some time and finally walked out. The both of us released the breaths we were holding. I quickly went to the door of the kitchen and locked it.

"Why did you do that?" (Y/n) turned around and gasped when I pushed her to the wall. "What's up with you and Jin?" I asked and she frowned. "What do you mean?" she asked and I growled. "I'm not repeating myself." I answered and she gulped.

"Well, we're just friends. What about it?" she asked and I rolled my eyes. "Just friends? (Y/n), I'm pretty sure that he's flirting with you." I said and her eyes widened. "I'm pretty sure that I don't like him that way, so why are you jealous? It's not like we're dating or anything." she said and now my eyes were the ones that widened.

'We're not dating, yes... but we could be.'  I bit my lower lip and looked at the ground. 

"I just don't want to share you with someone, is that so hard to understand?!" I raised my voice and her eyes widened once again. "Well you don't have to share me because I don't like Jin that way! How many times do I have to tell you that?!" she raised her voice as well, tears starting to roll out of both our eyes.

"Well why are you acting so nice to Jin and not me if you don't like him that way?!" I said, my voice still raised, more tears rolling down my face. "Because I don't know how to tell you how I feel, okay?!" she yelled and covered her face. Her sobs were stabbing through me like a knife.

'Congratulations Taehyung. You made her cry again. Two times in one day!! How are you doing this?!' I cupped her face with my hands and looked deep into her big (e/c) eyes.

"Then tell me... How do you feel?" I asked, my voice back to normal. She didn't respond. "How do you feel, (Y/n)? How do you feel about us?" I asked and her eyes widened again. "Us?" she asked and I nodded.

"It feels... Complicating. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel and what I'm supposed to do around you. I feel different when I'm with you and-" she started and I smiled at her. "What's so funny?" she asked and I shook my head.

I kissed her once again but this time more passionately. Right now, I wanted to let her know how I felt as well. Right now... It was only about us. I could only think about her, and how she gives me strength to go further on. I wouldn't want my source to live on happily to disappear.

I slowly broke the kiss and embraced (Y/n), small sobs were heard from her. "You know what... I feel much better about us now." she said and we both laughed.

"YAH! OPEN THE FLIPPING DOOR!" Namjoon yelled and we both looked at eachother. "GO AWAY!" we yelled and waited for Namjoon to do as we said. "Rude... I just wanted to grab my sunglasses but okay." Namjoon complained and finally left.

"...So, what about the us you were talking about earlier?" (Y/n) asked and I smiled. "I think that the us would be a cute couple together." I said and (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "W-Wait what?" she asked and I laughed. I hugged her once again and kissed her forehead. "I think that you should be my girlfriend... What do you think?" I asked.

"...I think so too." she answered and we intertwined our hands together. "So that means I can finally confess my feelings as well..." I smiled. "I love you, (Y/n). I always did. Whenever I'd see you in the BigHit building to the times when I got to see you walking out of your apartment... I always loved you and I will keep on loving you forever." I said and a blush crossed her cheeks.

"...I love you too, Taehyung." she answered.

"Cough cough losers, CRINGE!" Suga yelled from the other side of the door and the both of us glared at the door. "Shut up!" we yelled and Suga laughed before walking off.


Your POV

Right now, it was almost evening and it was amazing. We announced our relationship to the members and today couldn't be better. Even though the news of Taehyung's grandmother passing away was like a stab through the heart, he got through it.

I got a phone call, so I excused myself to BTS and walked into the room where we slept.

"Hello?" I said. "Come back home." my father said through the phone and I frowned. "Waeyo? ((why?))" I asked and I could hear my father growling at my respond. "Because I said so. Now come home before I'm getting pissed. You know where I am and I'm not taking no as an answer." and with that, he hung up.

'What was that all about?' 

{A/N}: FINALLY!! They confessed! Wooohh!! My inner fangirl is coming up again oml sorry ^o^ but what was that phone call all about though? I dunno find out next chapter

Don't be a shy reader and tell me what you think~!

Ideas and advice are always welcome and remember to stay alive!♥

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