Get to know me! TAG

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Hey I'm doing a tag because my exams ended yesterday and I'm bored lmaooo

you can say your answers in the comments.

or not.

I don't care do what you want lol

so let's just get right into it!

1. If you could go to any place on earth, where would it be and why?
-I've always wanted to go to Italy. Idk why. I live pretty close to it I think? (two hours of flying with an airplane)

2. What's your favorite color(s)?
-My favorite colors are red and navy

3. What's your favorite food?

4. What's the name of your crush?
-Yoo Kihyun

5. What's your biggest fear(s)?
-Heights and overthinking

6. If you were to be deserted on an island, what are the three things you'd take with you?
-water, an airplane and a pilot

7. What 3 movies do you love the most?
-The hunger games
-She was pretty (it's actually a kdrama but I don't care)
-all the Star Wars films

8. What part of your body do you like the most?
-ok so I know this is cliché but my eyes

9. What are two things your friends don't know about?
-my wattpad account lmao
-I act like a clown with my friends but I actually have depression ayeee

10. How would you describe your ideal partner?
-Yoo Kihyun. - ok jk my ideal type is someone who's caring, loves children, family oriented, trustworthy, loving, funny and cute. Also someone with a nice and smooth voice :)

11. What's your favorite season and why?
-Spring because my birthday is in spring lol (April 1st)

12. What's your dream job?
-ATM, I don't know what I want to do in the future. My family always tells me that I should become a doctor or something because you'll earn a lot of money, but I don't think I'll be happy when I become a doctor. I'm interested in languages and art, so I may do something in that area.

13. Which part of your best friend do you admire the most?
-I don't really believe in having only 1 best friend. I have a few friends but never choose someone over them. However, I like how my friends are always laughing with my jokes and reminding me when they're funny or not because I can come over as rude.

14. If you were to wear a shirt/blouse or a tee, which would it be?
-if it's oversized I'm fine with all of them. I don't like it when clothes stink onto me.

15. What are the 3 items you always carry with you?
-My phone
-My identity card (in a wallet)
-a pen or pencil just in case I don't know why I'm like this

16. What is your favorite inside joke?
-Don't really like inside jokes.

17. What favorite memory do you have with your friend(s)?
-I watched The Titanic with a friend of mine for the first time and her brother came downstairs. I asked him if he wanted pringles and he was like 'sure!' and took the can first because he thought he could have the whole thing. I still bring it up to this day (it was like a month or two ago)

18. What is the one thing that annoys you the most about your friend(s)?
-(not talking about just one of them) but when they laugh at me for stuttering. It's a habit of mine rip

19. Do you have any strange phobias?
lmaoo I have a whole page of it on my notes app
-monophobia: the fear of being (left) alone
-Athazagoraphobia: the fear of being forgotten, ignored or abandoned
-Philophobia: the fear of falling in love or emotional attachment
-Agoraphobia: the fear of situations where I can't escape
-Claustrophobia: the fear of tiny spaces and rooms
-Catagelophobia: the fear of being ridiculed

20. Do you like loud music or music at a much reasonable level?
-at a reasonable level

21. What do you think about the most?
-too much lol

22. Do you have any nicknames given by your school friends?
-multiple ones. The one I like the most is 'manwijf' <- it basically means man woman.

23. Of the whole world were listening to you, what would you say?

24. What concerts have you been to?

25. What's the one thing you want for your birthday?
-Okay so my birthday is coming up in a few days (april 1st like I said before) and what I want but definitely am not getting is a computer bc I've been asking for one since 4th grade gdi

26. What is your greatest achievement?
-keeping a plant alive for over a week

27. What are you really bad at?
-sport, grammar, being funny, self care, routines, new years resolutions and keeping plants alive

28. What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to you?
-'You're not special, so stop trying to befriend me. I hope you kill yourself.' ouch

29. Are you afraid of the dark?
-If I'm alone in the dark, yes.

30. What was your favorite show as a child?
-Bubble guppies(? don't know if it's called that in English), adventure time and wizards of waverly place

31. Are you a spendthrift or do you like to save money?
-Depends but most of the time I save my money. I only have pocket money for emergencies so yeah (like, 10 bucks)

32. What is your favorite animal?
-I'm scared of most animals but if I had to choose one then it'd be a white panther or a cat

33. What game do you like the most?
-Call of duty, don't starve and pokémon

34. Can you describe yourself in one word?
-Its almost impossible to describe a living creature with one word so I'll say: unique

35. Do you sing during a shower?
-If I have a nice playlist on my phone, yes.

36. How many people have had a crush on you?

37. Do you have a crush on anyone?
-Yoo Kihyun. If you mean by people you actually know and vice versa, no I don't.

38. Have you ever kissed anyone?


I tag anyone who wants to do this

I'm out!

- kimtaehyvngs

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