Ch. 2. -The Bet

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Here's Chapter Two! The story kinda starts to get going in this one, hope you like it! Please review after and tell me what you think!

Dedicated to Selena19 cause she's having a bad day :( hope it gets better!

Ch. 2

The Bet


"Now I'm all gone,

Gone, gone, I'm gone."

Justin finished singing the last note into the microphone, grinning as small clusters of people scattered throughout the arena broke into applause. They were in the midst of one of their last dress rehearsals; opening night of the tour was the next night.

"Great job, man!" His manager Scooter, who had been sitting in the front row watching the run-through of the show, stood up and began clapping. "You kicked ass!"

"Thanks." Justin replied.

"You keep that up, it's gonna be one hell of a tour." Scooter stated. Several other crew members nearby nodded and murmured in agreement.

The sound of loud giggling rang out across the cavernous arena. Glancing towards the right-hand side, Justin caught a glimpse of about five girls who appeared to be his age, all standing on their seats, clutching glittery posters, and smiling at him. They were clearly fans, most likely a group that had won a contest to get to see one of his dress rehearsals.

He flipped his hair and grinned at them.

"Hi ladies," He called. They erupted with giggles. "Thanks for coming out to see the rehearsal." A few of them squealed excitedly and began shaking with nerves.

"Thanks for having us, Justin!" One of them called.

"We love you!"

"You're so gorgeous!"

Justin laughed and smiled at them. "Not as gorgeous as you." He replied flirtatiously.

All five started squealing again. One even began fanning herself, so overwhelmed with excitement she thought she might faint.

Waving good-bye to them, Justin exited the stage, only to be instantly surrounded by crew members congratulating him on a fantastic final dress rehearsal.

"You're so ready for this," One of the sound technicians, a woman who looked to be about twice his age, winked at him, touching his wrist. "The tour is going to be amazing."

Justin grinned at those who were congratulating him, positively thrilled by the reactions he had created.


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