Ch. 13 -That Was Different

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And here is Chapter 13! :) It's kind of a filler, but I promise, some drama is on the way!

Ch. 13

That Was Different

“Hey, Mom?” Allie asked tentatively, sidling into the kitchen, where Macy McHenry was currently chopping up tomatoes.

“What is it, Allie?” Macy responded wearily, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

“I have something I want to talk to you about.”

“Yes?” Macy continued to chop up the tomatoes with her back turned to Allie.

“Um...” Allie was slightly nervous. It was the week after Thanksgiving, and though the stress of preparing dinner for their entire extended family was no longer on her mother, Allie was still a little reluctant about asking her about the Bahamas.

“What, Allie?” Macy asked with the slightest air of impatience.

Allie took a deep breath. “Look, um...the day after Christmas, everyone in the tour is going down to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, and I wanted to know if I could go with them. Pretty much everyone involved is gonna be there, or at least all of the performers and their crews. We’d be going until the day after New Year’s, and then we’d fly out to Boston for the second leg of the tour. It’s gonna be a lot of fun, and I’d really like to go.”

There was silence for a moment except for the quiet sounds of the knife chopping against the wooden cutting board.

“Mom?” Allie asked nervously.

“You want to go to the Bahamas for Christmas?” Macy asked.

“Not for Christmas, no. The day after.” Allie clarified. “Everyone’s catching a flight from wherever they are, and we’re all gonna meet down in the Bahamas.”

“And exactly do you plan to pay for this?” Macy questioned coldly.

“With the money I’ve made on tour...” Allie replied. Much as her mother liked to complain about the ‘tight budget’ their family was on, she seemed to forget the tiny detail that Allie was making quite the nice little sum of money, due to the fact that she was a performer in a nation-wide concert tour.

Macy didn’t seem to have a reply to that. After a few moments, she finally said stiffly, “I see.”

“What are we talking about?” George McHenry, Allie’s dad, asked, walking into the room.

Allie couldn’t help but be annoyed at the sight of him. She would never forgive him for what he had done to her mom; it was his fault their family was slowly tearing apart. 

“Allie wants to go to the Bahamas the day after Christmas with people from her tour.” Macy responded.

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