Ch. 23 Take That, Bitch

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My baby cousin was born today!! His name is Austin Christopher! Im not going to say his last name cause its the same as mine and i dont want my identity stolen! haha but me and Austin have the same initials!! ahhhh since mines Alexis Christine :))))))))

Ch. 23

Take That, Bitch

Allie knocked on the door nervously, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.  She was slightly anxious. Something told her she shouldn’t be doing this, but at the same time, it wasn’t like Mitchell had any interest in her. It might have seemed like it at times, but he was probably interested in Nina Winchcombe now.

After a few moments, the door opened to reveal a hopeful-looking Mitch. His face brightened instantly at the sight of her.

“Allie, you came! Hey, come on in.” He said.

Allie grinned at him and walked inside his room, gazing at her surroundings as she did so. It was a basic hotel room, with a nice bathroom, a TV, and a simple queen-sized bed.

Mitchell closed the door and followed her inside, before motioning for her to take a seat on the bed next to him.

“So, what’s up?” Allie asked, looking at him questioningly.

Mitchell shrugged. “Just wanted to talk. Like I said, it’s been a really long time.”

“Yeah, it has.” Allie replied, nodding her head.

“So everything’s been good?” Mitchell asked.

Allie nodded. “Yep! I mean, life on tour’s amazing as always, and I just got back from the Bahamas. It’s been pretty tight.” She grinned at him.

Mitchell smiled back, gazing at her lips. “That’s cool.”

They sat for a moment in silence, just staring at each other, before Allie’s phone vibrated. She tore her eyes away from his and flipped open her phone.

From: GrindMeJustin ;)

loved meeting ur family tonight. (although to be honest...ur dad kinda scares me. haha.) wish we coulda seen more of denver. cant wait to show u my hometown in a few days. ;) night, beautiful.

Mitchell, who had read the text over Allie’s shoulder, raised an eyebrow.

“What exactly’s up with you and Bieber, anyway?” He asked.

Allie looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “What do you mean?” She asked, confused. She shrugged. “We’re dating.” She replied simply.

“Yeah, but since when?” Mitchell asked, slightly frustrated. “I mean...last time I talked to you, you’d only just started to think the guy was decent, and now all of a sudden, he’s your boyfriend?” He looked skeptical. “I dunno, it just seems weird.”

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