Ch. 31 Better Buy a Dress

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Ch. 31

Better Buy a Dress

“Everyone, this is SugarCoated,” Scooter announced. “As you guys saw in the show earlier tonight, they’re our newest and third opening act for the tour.”

Justin, Allie, Jasmine, Meaghan, Kristen, Jason, Matt, and Sean were all grouped together backstage; the St. Louis show had just ended, and Scooter had assembled all of the performers in the main backstage room, so as to meet the new opening band for the tour.

Sherrie inched her way into the room, standing next to Allie, who smiled at her.

There were five girls in the band, all looking slightly nervous and shooting anxious glances at Justin, who was smiling at them.

Without waiting for a response from any of the tour performers or Sherrie, Scooter began introducing the members of the girl group to the others.

First, there was Courtney. She had medium-length curly brown hair and intriguing green eyes with flecks of brown in them. She was the tallest one in the group, standing at about Justin’s height. 

Kailey stood next to Courtney, a few inches shorter than her. She had long and straight dark brown hair with streaks of pink in it, and her eyes were an unusual sea-foam color.

Next to Kailey was Michelle. She was shorter than both Courtney and Kailey, standing at about 5’3”. Her hair was medium-length, and was jet black with golden highlights. Her eyes were a dark brown and held a natural gleam to them.

Next was Emily. At 5’2”, she was the shortest girl in the group. She had a very ethnic look to her; part Taiwanese and part Canadian. Her hair was very wavy and was dark brown, which complemented her deep brown eyes.

Lastly, was Jayley. She had long locks of platinum blonde hair, and her eyes were a periwinkle blue. Her nose was sprinkled with freckles, and her skin had a bronzed complexion to it.

Every single girl was very pretty, and they were all beaming at the other performers.

SugarCoated was a fairly new pop band from St. Louis; though they weren’t very well known yet, they already had a steadily growing fan base, and many critics had predicted them to be the next big thing. Being apart of the My World Tour was their big break, and all five teenage members of the band were extremely grateful.

“Do you guys want to come and hang out with us on my bus?” Justin asked the band once all of the other performers had introduced themselves.

The girls of SugarCoated looked at each other and grinned.

“Yeah, that’d be great!” Michelle replied, smiling at Justin. “Thanks.”

He grinned back at her, before he began leading the entire entourage outside of the arena.

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