Ch. 11 -Realizations and Late Night Texting

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Chapter 11! Hope you like. :)

Ch. 11

Realizations and Late Night Texting

“Oh, um...hey, guys.” Justin replied awkwardly. “How’s it going?”

“Just fantastic now that you’ve decided to grace us with your presence.” Scooter shot back. 

“Look, man, I’m sorry I’m a little late, we got locked out - “

“A little late? A little late? Justin,” Scooter held out his wrist and glanced at his watch. “Your rehearsal was supposed to start half an hour ago! We have less than an hour and a half to get your rehearsal in until fans come for your soundcheck. Do you have any idea how much time you’ve wasted - “

“Scooter,” Pattie interrupted loudly. 

What?!” Scooter shouted, rounding on her, an annoyed expression on his face.

“Maybe you should get Justin inside out of the rain before he dies from hypothermia.”

Scooter shot a glance at Justin, who was now actually shivering from how cold the rain was.

“Oh...right.” Scooter mumbled. “Well, come on, get inside!” He barked. “You too.” He stated, motioning towards Allie.

Allie and Justin glanced at each other before following the group back into the venue.

The minute the door had been shut, and everyone was safe inside the arena, Scooter grabbed Justin by the arm and roughly pulled him to the side of the hall.

“Now, as I was saying,” He said. “It was completely irresponsible for you to just not show up like that, do you have any idea how much money you’re wasting by having everyone just sit around?!”

“Look, Scooter, I’m sorry,” Justin replied meekly. “I wasn’t purposely late, Allie and I really were trying to get to the rehearsal, but every door was locked - “

“I don’t give a damn if you couldn’t get in, there’s a reason you have that expensive thing called an iPhone! What the hell were you doing outside anyway?!”

Justin’s eyes flicked over to Allie. “Umm...” He said. “ lost?”

Scooter looked at him with exasperation. “Nice try. Look, I don’t really care what you were doing outside and how you ended up there, the point is, you have a lot of people working for you, and it’s not exactly the greatest way to show your appreciation for them when you waste their time by not showing up to rehearsals! This tour is about you, Justin, it’s your tour, so you need to take it seriously! I expected better of you, today, but instead, you decided to go off and do whatever the hell you wanted to do, because all you care about is yourself! We had everyone in the entire tour searching for you, that’s how serious you being missing is! You had no respect towards the hundreds of people working for you, or their time. No, instead, you decided you’d rather keep everyone waiting while you went and pranced around in the rain!”

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