Ch. 41 I'm Perfectly Fine

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Hope you guys like it, here's the next chapter! <3 

Ch. 41

I’m Perfectly Fine

“Can you see anything?” Kristen asked anxiously, glancing over towards the door of the kitchenette.

“I’m - not - sure.” Chaz grunted, straining his neck to try and peer into the kitchenette via a tiny window that was located on top of the door. He was currently sitting on Ryan’s shoulders, who was turning bright red from the effort to hold Chaz up.

“Just hurry up and look in the damn room before you break my neck!” Ryan yelled irritably.

“I’m trying, this window is really high up!” Chaz retorted defensively. “Here - walk forward a little bit.”

Ryan let out an angry sigh before tentatively stepping closer to the door. Chaz swayed dangerously on his shoulders, and Meaghan gasped, clapping her hands over her mouth.

“He’s fine.” Michelle, Jayley, and Courtney assured her at the same time.

“There!” Chaz exclaimed triumphantly, placing his hands on the outside of the small window and peering into it.

“What do you see?” Jasmine asked urgently.

“Um...” Chaz began. “I can’t see anything.”

“What?” Several people echoed in response.

Ryan let out a loud groan as he attempted to reposition Chaz slightly so that he was sitting more comfortable on his shoulders. “God, why’d we have Chaz do this? Couldn’t we have gotten a girl, you all weigh half what he does!”

“Well, sweetie, you’re the strongest, so that’s why you’re currently in your position.” Jasmine said, clapping him on the arm. “And Chaz eagerly volunteered, so we kinda had to let him.”

“It’s not like he’s been much help.” Ryan muttered bitterly.

“I’m trying, okay?” Chaz retorted hotly. “You come up here and try and look in this stupid little window, I can’t see a damn thing!”

The others let out exasperated sighs.

After a very long pause, Michelle spoke. “Anything yet?”

“Nope.” Chaz replied.

There was silence.



Emily let her shoulders slump. “Ryan’s right, we should’ve have had someone else do it, Chaz sucks at this.”

Trust Me (Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz