Ch. 20- You Just Don't Know

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 writer's block! =/ Hope you guys like it, though. :)

Ch. 20

You Just Don’t Know

“Allie...will you be my girlfriend?”

Allie couldn’t speak. She didn’t know what to say. Hearing those words come out of Justin’s mouth and having him look at her the way he was looking at her now was shocking. She felt her entire body freeze.

“Um...Justin, I...I don’t know what to say.” She managed to utter after a few long moments of silence.

“You could say ‘yes’?” Justin suggested, a hopeful look on his face.

Allie just stared back at him, still in complete shock.

Justin’s smile slowly faded. He looked down. “Uh, I’d...understand if you don’t want to, I mean,” He cleared his throat. “This is kind of sudden...” 

He looked disappointed and rejected.

“But I do want to.” Allie said softly.

Justin looked up at her, a hopeful glimmer reappearing in his eyes. “You do?” He asked.

Allie nodded. “Yeah.” She replied. “It’s just...”

Justin felt his heart sink. “It’s just what?”

Allie sighed. “Well...I mean...” She shrugged, gazing up at him. “Think about who you are, Justin.” She shook her head sadly. “Your career and the idea of a girlfriend don’t exactly agree with one another, do they?”

He thought about it for a moment. “No.” He replied finally. “They don’t.”

Allie gave him a sad look.

“But that doesn’t mean that I can’t figure out how to make them agree.” Justin stated slowly, looking her straight in the eyes.

She gave him a slightly confused, but curious look, as if willing for him to continue.

“Yes, with my job, it’s extremely difficult for me to have time for a relationship.” Justin began. “And yes, because of my job and the image that I have, being single is the better option, only because it makes me more appealing for the people who are gonna buy my music and merchandise and all that.”

Allie shook her head slightly, a little upset by what he was saying, and wondering why he was telling her it.

“But just because being single is easier or better for my career doesn’t mean I’m gonna choose that.” Justin stated. “I want to be with you. I’m not just gonna let you go because of my job.”

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