Ch. 10 -Rebellious and Unpunctual

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Chapter 10! Please vote and comment and let me know what you think. :)

Ch. 10

Rebellious and Unpunctual

“Justin, where are we going?” Allie asked as she followed him out of the bus and towards the arena.

“You’ll see.” Was all he said as he pushed open one of the back entrances to the venue, hurrying inside.

“Justin, I don’t have my pass! If someone catches me that doesn’t recognize me, I’ll be kicked out!” Allie cried.

Justin stopped abruptly and turned to look at her with a thoroughly exasperated expression on his face. “I’m your pass.” He said. “And people will recognize you, you’re a performer in the tour. Now come on!”

Realizing how stupid she must have sounded, Allie blushed. “Oh...right.” She muttered, before following him down a deserted hallway that branched off to their left. Allie had no clue where they were going, or why Justin was taking her there, but she didn’t argue and just continued to follow him down a maze of hallways.

After a few moments of silence, they came upon a plain white door marked ‘HOUSE LIGHTING’. 

Allie glanced at him questioningly. “Um...?”

He grinned at her. “Just wait.” As he reached out to open the door, he stopped and turned to look at her again. “One question: are you afraid of heights?”

“No...” Allie replied warily.

Justin’s face lit up. “Good.”

“Why?” Allie asked, looking at him suspiciously.

“No reason.” He replied.

“No, tell me!”

He just smiled before pulling open the door. A large staircase leading someplace unknown was behind the door. Justin immediately walked in and began ascending the stairs.

“Justin!” Allie called after him, following him and climbing the stairs.

“Come on!” He called.

“Why did you ask me if I’m afraid of heights?” She yelled.

He didn’t answer.

Groaning at his refusal to tell her anything, Allie quickened her pace and caught up to him. The stairs seemed to go on forever, stretching higher and higher.

Finally, they came upon a landing, where another plain white door was built.

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