Ch. 30 Not Again

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Here's Chapter 30! Hope you guys like it. :)

Ch. 30

Not Again

“Sherrie?” Justin asked in disbelief, a bewildered smile forming on his face. “Holy crap, what are you doing here?” 

He walked forward and wrapped his arms around the petite girl that was standing outside the tour bus. She had short, strawberry blonde hair, and her skin had a natural glow to it. Her eyes were a deep brown. She was grinning broadly just like Justin, and she hugged him back tightly.

Justin and Allie had followed Scooter outside of the tour bus, only to be greeted by the sight of Kenny, Dan Kanter, Ryan Good, and this girl chatting animatedly.

“I live in Saint Louis now! This is where I moved!” The girl named Sherrie exclaimed in response to Justin as they broke apart.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah! I heard you were coming in town, and I was able to get in contact with some of your team and get tickets to your show and stuff.”

“That’s amazing!” Justin exclaimed. He stared at her for a moment in shock, before he stepped forward and hugged her again. “I haven’t seen you in probably two years, I’ve missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you too!” Sherrie replied.

Allie couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy as she watched Justin reuniting with this girl he was so obviously happy to see. She didn’t know who the girl was, but she had to be someone special to Justin by the way he was acting around her.

At that moment, Ryan Good cleared his throat at Justin, who glanced at him. Ryan subtly nodded his head towards Allie, as if to remind Justin that she was there.

Justin glanced at Allie and smiled. He walked over to her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her towards where the girl named Sherrie was standing. He wrapped his arm around Allie’s waist.

“Sherrie, this is my girlfriend, Allie. Allie, this is Sherrie. Sherrie was one of my best friends growing up. She moved from Stratford about two years ago, and I haven’t seen her since, so that’s why I’m in such shock right now.”

Allie smiled shyly at Sherrie. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

Sherrie smiled back. “Nice to meet you, too!”

“I still can’t believe we lost contact once you moved, I didn’t even know you ended up moving here!” Justin cried, addressing Sherrie with a smile.

“Well, I moved about the same time you were getting discovered, so I think that’s part of the reason why we lost touch.” Sherrie replied.

Justin nodded in agreement. “You look so different!”

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