The Party

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A\N: Just a  reminder, nobody knows Nagito is crazy yet, so don't be confused when they're confused over his behavior.

It had been awhile since you had witnessed Nagito enter your cottage. He didn't do anything majorly wrong, albeit, one of your toys had gone missing, and when you tried to get him to give it back, all he did was tell you that he was just happy that you had started a conversation with him, but never gave it back. Since then, you always made sure your door was locked. Despite this, Nagito didn't act weird after that. Until, Byakuya decided to have a party, and someone had to perform clean up duty.

"A draw?" You asked.

"Yep. Whoever gets the straw with the red mark on it gets to perform cleaning duty." Nagito explained. With that, you all drew your straws, and Nagito was the one to get the red mark. How ironic.

After that, you were in your cottage, blankly staring at the ceiling, when your doorbell rang.

"If it's Nagito, then go away." You said as you faced away from the door.

"It's Hajime." Hajime said. You opened the door a bit to see Hajime standing there.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"I just want to talk." Hajime replied.

"About what?" You asked.

"Why are you so bent on avoiding everyone?" Hajime asked.

"I feel no need for human interaction. I was never able to properly interact with other children, or even my own parents, while I was growing up. Here, it's not different. Monokuma took away any possible trust I may have for any of you. Can you leave now?" You asked.

"One more thing, why out of everyone, you specifically told Nagito to go away. Why is that?" Hajime asked.

"I keep telling him that I don't want to be his friend, but he can't seem to understand. He even stole one of my toys, and still hasn't given it back, which is the lowest thing someone could do to me." You explained. Before you could let him respond, you slammed the door in his face. You sighed. That conversation had gone on for long enough.

You stayed inside, until the party.

The hardest part about the party was entering. You had to be patted down by Byakuya to prove you had no weapons. You understood why this was happening, but it still took all your effort not to squirm or scream.

Once it was over, you were breathing heavily in a far corner of the room. Why did you think coming here was a good idea?

"Someone looks uncomfortable." You looked up to see Nagito standing in front of you. You wanted nothing more than to tell him to fuck off right there and then, but you didn't want to start a scene, so you just closed your eyes.

"It's because physical contact always makes me uncomfortable. It's one of the reasons I stay away from others." You explained.

"Really? Why's that?" Nagito asked.

"My parents were almost never around, and I was practically raised by a bunch of different babysitters, who rather than doing things such as give me a hug when I was upset, supplied me with a random toy they brought with them. It's because of this, that I grew to dislike both touch, and the toys they gave me, as they didn't help me at all, so I started making my own." You explained.

"So that's how you became a toymaker!" Nagito said.

"Yeah. Can you go now?" You asked. Instead of going away like you asked, Nagito pulled you into a tight hug. You began to squirm, but he held you tighter.

"W-what are you doing!?" You yelled.

"It's okay. I just want you to know that I'm here for you." Nagito said.

"Get off of me!" You yelled. However, your cries were muffled by his body, so all you could do was try to find a way out. Until...

"Hey! Get off of her!" Mahiru yelled. Nagito let you go, and you dropped to the ground, looking as if you had nearly been suffocated.

"Sick freak." You said before getting up and walking away from him. After regaining your composure, you were approached by Hajime and Mikan.

"A-are you okay?" Mikan asked. You nodded.

"Yeah. Just... please don't touch me." You said. Hajime sighed.

"I guess I can see why you avoid him now." Hajime said.

"He acts like he understands, but it's the complete opposite." You said as you crossed your arms, a disgusted look visible on your face.

"If you want, I could tell him to leave you alone for you." Hajime suggested.

"Yeah, I'd like that." You said. It was then, that you noticed everyone had stiffened up. What was wrong? At that moment, you realized that when you had said that, you had smiled. Now, even you were shocked by what had happened.

"Wow! You DO have emotions! I thought you were just as emotionless and dull as your creations!" Hiyoko said.

Several moments later, the lights went out.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now