Part Of You

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You shifted in your hospital bed. You didn't like being stuck in here. The atmosphere wasn't romantic at all! Mikan walked up to you, and you bounced up and down excitedly.

"Hey, Mikan! Did you come to take me out on a date or something? I bet we'd have soooo much fun!" You exclaimed.

"(Name)! Please go on a date with Mikan! It would make me so happy!" You heard Nagito's voice chime in. They had explained to you that he could only tell lies because the last time he said you were ugly and that he hated you with all of his heart you started crying your eyes out.

"I-I'm not h-here to take (N-Name) on a date... I need to take her temperature..." Mikan said before doing just that. She sighed upon seeing you still had a fever. Your symptoms didn't seem to be going away soon either. She left to look after one of the other diseased. You laid down, wanting to at least to temporarily forget this headache with a nap.

However, you were interrupted by someone brushing your hair out of your face. You looked up to see Nagito. He must've snuck over to you while Mikan was distracted. You smiled at him and extended a hand out to him, grabbing at the air like a child reaching for a toy that was too high up to reach.

He grabbed your wrist and forced you to sit up.

"You're... so gross..." He said.

"Ehehe. Thanks, I guess!" You said.

"I hate you so much... you're so hideous and I hate being so close to you..." Nagito said as he pulled you into a tight hug.

"I... I love you too?" This was weird, even for your current condition.

He pulled on the sleeve of your hospital gown, revealing your bare shoulder. He started to lean forward, but before he could do anything, he foamed at the mouth, and collapsed on top of you. You giggled and patted his head.

Mikan saw the sight before her, and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"H-how did he...!? I-I never saw him get out of bed! I'm so s-sorry (Name)!" Mikan yelled as she pulled Nagito off of you and wiped the foam off your shoulder and neck with a rag. You laughed.

"It's fine! I could never hold a grudge against you!" You said. She looked surprised.

"W-what? You mean it?" Mikan asked. You gleefully nodded.

"Uh-huh! You're so nice and cute! How could I not forgive you?" You asked. She blushed and looked down, twiddling her fingers.

"N-nobody's ever said something so nice to me b-before... no! It's just the disease talking! I s-shouldn't get my hopes up..." Mikan said as she brought the unconscious Nagito back to bed.

That night, you were pulled out of your slumber by someone once again caressing your face. It was Mikan this time. She was blushing a dark red, and was breathing heavily.

"(Naaame)...? Would you be kind enough to follow me, please?" Mikan asked. You nodded and got out of bed. You were following her to the exit, when you felt someone's arms wrap around your waist.

"(Name)... please go with Mikan... leave me alone to rot... I hate you and don't want you near me..." Nagito said. Mikan grabbed your arm and attempted to pry you out. However, Nagito pulled really hard, and you fell onto his bed. Mikan sighed and walked out. Nagito ended up slipping into unconsciousness holding you in his arms. You giggled, kissed his nose, and went to sleep as well.

When you woke up, the world felt... unreal. Like, you were stuck in the border between a dream and reality. For the first time in your life, you felt a clash of emotions. You felt full of love, but you had a gross feeling inside you as well. You could also feel something... round, small, and hard going down your throat, before you felt something enter your mouth, and your once desert dry tongue felt wet again after a long time. Your vision cleared, revealing that whoever was doing this to you was... Monokuma.

You jolted up, causing Monokuma to drop the still half full glass of water in surprise, shattering it to pieces.

"Ugh... what the hell..." You touched your forehead when you noticed the blinding headache.

"Glad to see your all better! How are you feeling?" Monokuma asked.

"Gross..." You said. You could barely remember what happened during the last few days. You remembered... Nagito... Mikan... constantly having various medicines and thermometers put in your mouth, but... that's it. Everything else was a blur. Monokuma threw some of your clothes at you.

"Get dressed and head to the music venue, toymaker! You have investigating to do!" Monokuma exclaimed before disappearing. You ran to the nearest bathroom, and got dressed. You did it so quickly you didn't notice what your stomach looked like at the moment.

You rushed into the music venue, and dropped to your knees when you saw Hiyoko...and Ibuki...

You finally managed to find someone you could consider your friend... and she died...

"Could this get any worse...?" You asked yourself. You felt someone pick you up by your wrist. You pulled much lighter than usual.

"Hey, (Name), in case you couldn't tell I was lying about everything, what we did together was the best thing to ever happen to me. We should do it again sometime." Nagito said.

"What...?" You asked.

"Huh? You don't remember?" Nagito asked.

"Nagito, let her go! Don't tell her!" Hajime yelled.

"We made love!" Nagito said while completely ignoring Hajime. Your eyes widened.

"W...what...?" You said. Nagito nodded.

"Yep! We did! Wow, you're legs are still shaking, even though it's been quite awhile since then. I'm not surprised though. I didn't show your body any mercy! I just couldn't control myself... oh well! At least there's proof that you're mine and mine alone!" Nagito said.

You felt your brain shutting down the more he talked. That was when you noticed him putting his hand on the back of your head, and forcing you to look down, as he lifted up your shirt with his other hand. For the second time since you were trapped here, you screamed as loud as you could upon seeing your stomach.

"Ahahaha... see this? No matter how much you deny it, no matter how much you run away, I'll always be a part of you! I'm yours! You're mine! I could see it in your eyes... even though you were under the effects of a disease... I knew deep down you meant every word of love you said to me..." Madness swirled in Nagito's eyes as he once again began rambling to himself. Your body did the only thing it could do at the time.

You ended up throwing up all over him.

He was distracted long enough by this for you to break free, and curl up in the corner, where you were comforted by Chiaki, while everyone else glared at Nagito in a mix of hatred and disgust, before continuing the investigation while Nagito left to get the vomit off of him.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now