All Dolled Up

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There was a heavy atmosphere throughout the trial. Or maybe it was just you. The current topic of discussion was that while Nagito's cause of death, blunt force trauma to the head, was obvious, the murder weapon was unknown. After none of you could reach an agreement, you moved on to potential holes in everyone's alibis.

You were nervous as everyone recited their alibi. One slip up and you were doomed.

"I was asleep the whole time..." You said as you looked down at your feet.

"Hey, (Name), I know this isn't relevant, but are you feeling okay?" Chiaki asked. You looked up at her.

"Huh? Why are you asking?" You asked.

"No offense, but you're sweating harder than a pig in a Summer afternoon." Akane said. You wiped your forehead, and confirmed her statement. You sighed.

"Oh... I guess I'm still kind of under the weather..." You said. You swallowed a lump in your throat. The pressure and guilt was so heavy that you felt like your legs would snap in half any moment. Especially whenever you would look up and see Nagito's face crossed out with a pink X staring back at you. It was like he was taunting you from beyond the grave.

"Hey, wait a minute, (Name). You said you've been asleep the whole time, right?" Hajime asked.

"Yeah..." You replied.

"Would you mind explaining why Sonia claimed she saw someone who looked like you wandering around, then?" Hajime asked. You went silent.

"Oh, that's right. I did see her. But she was going too quick for me to approach her." Sonia said. You couldn't believe it. You had a witness the whole time, and you didn't even know it until now.

"Hold on. I highly doubt (Name) is the killer. She's too weak and afraid to even go near Nagito... I think." Chiaki argued.

"Well, I don't see any reason for Sonia to lie about seeing her. I'm not accusing her, but her alibi no longer holds up." Hajime said. Chiaki sighed.

"Alright..." Chiaki said as she pulled up the hood of her jacket.

"Come to think of it, we never investigated (Name)'s cottage. Maybe the reason we have no idea what the murder weapon is, is because it's in there." Fuyuhiko suggested. This was it. There was no point hiding it at this point. You took in one last deep breath as you accepted your fate.

"...It was a shovel. And it's under my bed." You said. Everyone looked at you with shocked expressions.

"Hold on! You're seriously confessing just like that!?" Kazuichi yelled in complete shock and disbelief. You nodded.

"Yeah. I did it. I killed Nagito." You said as you fought back the urge to cry. It was a shame. These people were the first you had grown to genuinely care for, and now they'll remember you as a murderer.

After the all too familiar announcement from Monokuma, everyone voted for you. They were correct.

"That's correct! The one who killed Nagito Komaeda is in fact (Name) (Last name)! Honestly, it's a shame he died instantly, I would've loved to see the despair of being killed by the person you love with ALLLLLLLLLLL your heart!" Monokuma exclaimed.

"I didn't want to... I just wanted to talk him out of using the bomb... but..." You tried explaining yourself.

"You gave into despair!" Monokuma yelled.

"No, that's wrong!" Hajime shouted. You looked at him in shock. Despite what you did, he was defending you? Why? You were barely even friends.

"(Name) didn't give into despair. She wanted to stop Nagito, but at that point her mind was too broken to stop her from doing anything irrational. If she was just a bit stronger mentally..." Chiaki explained. At that point, you couldn't take it anymore and fell to your knees. She was right. If you had just stuck it out a bit longer, you wouldn't have blood on your hands.

"Now then! I've prepared a very special punishment for (Name) (Last name), the Ultimate Toymaker! Let's give it everything we've got! IIIIIIIIIIT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!" Monokuma yelled. You looked up at everyone one last time, as you gave them a sad smile while tears ran down your face.

"Thanks for teaching me how to feel..." You said as Monokuma slammed his gavel onto the big red button.

The world went black.

You woke up in what looked like a little girl's bedroom. You got out of bed and looked out the window, seeing what looked like a giant living room. You ran downstairs and saw a man sitting at a table reading a newspaper, and a woman bent over the kitchen sink with a sponge in one hand and a plate in the other, both of them unmoving. Upon closer inspection, you could see that they were plastic. You went into another room, and saw a plastic little boy sitting in front of a fake TV. It didn't take rocket science to realize where you were.

A giant dollhouse.

The walls opened, and a giant Monokuma dressed in a pink dress and blonde wig stared down at you. You attempted to run away but it grabbed you in one of it's paws and picked you up. After it played around with you for a few seconds, another giant Monokuma dressed in blue shorts, a red T-shirt, and a brown wig, grabbed you by the arms and violently yanked you out of the other one's grip, only for it to grab you by the legs. After being caught in a game of Tug-Of-War that you were sure would rip you in half, the second Monokuma managed to win and threw you against the wall, resulting in the sound of cracking bones.

As the first Monokuma cried, a third one dressed in a red dress with an apron, brown wig, and lipstick walked in, saw you bleeding out on the ground, and let out a "tsk" before picking you up. It carried you over to a trash can, and opened it, and you saw several broken dolls all resembling your dead classmates in the state they were in when they died.

You were tossed in, and before you lost consciousness, you made eye contact with the white haired doll that had a cracked head.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now