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"W-wha...? You want to hang out w-with m-me?" Mikan stuttered. You nodded.

"Yeah. I invited Ibuki too if you don't mind." You said.

After learning that you had a somewhat friendship with Mikan and Ibuki before you lost your school memories, you decided to try and see what could lead to such a bond. Plus, if you overcame your obstacles, one of which being your lack of social skills, you would no longer be this "enigma" to a certain hope obsessed freak.

"Well, come on, she's waiting for us at the beach." You gestured for Mikan to follow you. She followed you to the beach, where Ibuki was waiting. She instantly became even more excited than she already was.

"Aw, hell yeah! Ibuki gets to hang out with not one, but TWO cute girls! If some cute boys join in, this'll be the best day EVER!" Ibuki exclaimed. You sat down on the sand.

"I-is there a reason you invited u-us in particular?" Mikan asked. You shrugged.

"Other than Nagito, the two of you are the ones I talk with the most. Might as well start getting used to interacting with people via you two then." You lied, not wanting to bring up the pictures.

"Alriiight!" Ibuki yelled as she kneeled down and swung an arm around your shoulder, making you scream. Ibuki quickly backed off.

"Whoopsies. Forgot you don't like touching." Ibuki said. You heard footsteps approaching you.

"Mmm... I heard screaming and it woke me up... what happened?" Chiaki asked.

"I wanted to learn how to improve my social skills... but Ibuki touched me..." You said.

"You're trying to improve your social skills?" Chiaki asked. You nodded. Chiaki seemed to think for a moment before she got an idea.

"Can I join? I want to improve my social skills too. Well, I already learned a bit from Hajime, but still..." Chiaki requested.

"Sure, I guess. What about you two?" You asked.

"I-I don't mind..." Mikan stuttered.

"The more the merrier!" Ibuki yelled.

"Thanks." Chiaki said. She sighed.

"You wouldn't mind if we played video games, right? They're the only thing I'm good at." Chiaki requested. The three of you agreed, and she gestured for you to follow her.

You went to Chiaki's cottage, where you played this fighting game called "Alpha Attack Sisters."

The first of you to lose was Mikan, then you, and then Ibuki. Chiaki won, but that's what you expected. Mikan was apologizing for somehow losing all three of her lives in less than a minute, Ibuki reassured herself that second place was better than nothing, while Chiaki had a small smile on her face.

"That was fun. Much better than going against NPCs all the time." Chiaki said.

"Yeah, it was kind of fun." You said. Ibuki gasped and got really close to your face, to which you backed away in response.

"Do my eyes deceive me!? You smiled again! Oh no! I scared you! I wish I had a camera to capture this historic sight!" Ibuki said. You put a hand to your face.

"I... smiled?" You asked. Chiaki nodded.

"Yeah." Chiaki replied. You grabbed a nearby mirror and looked at your reflection. Your eyes even looked a bit less dull. Not to the point where someone would notice at first glance, but still.

"A-are you feeling okay?" Mikan asked. You nodded.

"I feel... great." You said. You checked your watch and sighed.

"Shit, I've gotta go feed Nagito. See you guys later." You said as you walked out.

You got some food, and thought about what just happened. You didn't think it was possible, but you somehow warmed up to Chiaki, Mikan, and Ibuki. You weren't fully expressive with your emotions, nor were you ready to try this with anyone else, and you still won't let anyone make physical contact with you, not even those three. But, this was progress at it's finest.

You entered, and saw Nagito looked a bit annoyed.

"You're late." He said. You gave him a light glare as you walked towards him. His mood instantly changed to a more positive one.

"It's okay, I forgive you. I could never stay mad at you." Nagito said.

"Whatever." You said as you practically shoved food towards his face. As he ate, he noticed your eyes. After enough squirming and struggling, he forced himself to sit up. Your eyes widened as he did that.

"Your eyes look... different. More lifelike. More emotion. More beautiful." Nagito said.

"Yeah. What does it matter to you?" You asked. He smirked.

"What have you been up to? Enlighten me." Nagito requested. You sighed.

"If it makes you shut up, I played video games with Ibuki, Chiaki, and Mikan. Nothing special." You explained. His smile faded.

"You bonded with someone?" Nagito asked. You nodded.

"Three people to be exact." You said.

"The first person you bonded with... the first person to get through to you... wasn't me..." He appeared to be talking to himself at this point.

"Get over it, weirdo. Of course it wouldn't be you." You said.

"...I'm not hungry." Nagito said. You instantly got up.

"Great. Bye." You said before leaving.

As Nagito was alone in silence, he thought about what you just said.

Three people. You bonded with three people while he was cooped up in here. Chiaki, Mikan, and Ibuki to be exact. Why? What did those three have that he didn't? He had no idea. He tried his very best to get through to you, to bond with you, to be your friend and hopefully your future lover, and you always pushed him away. But what did these three do? In your own words, video games.

He struggled around as he wondered if a bit more struggling would break the chains, but it only resulted in him falling back down.

He thought about one of Monokuma's rules. Two people at most. Even if he obeyed the dark thought that entered his mind, one of them would still remain. Plus, would it even be worth it if he would just be executed anyways? But, at the same time, they deserve it for ruining the scenario he set up in his head.

This was truly the result of bad luck...

However, just as he thought that, the body discovery announcement went off.

All he could do was hope for the best.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now