Ultimate Hope

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((The song chosen for this chapter is not me attempting to troll you in any shape, way, or form))

"It's okay... it's okay..." You had completely hidden yourself under the sheets on your bed, but your shaking and false words of reassurance were clear to the others, who had come to check on you. You peeked out a little bit.

"Can I be alone for awhile...?" You asked. They all looked at each other. After discussing amongst themselves for a minute, they nodded and left. You sat up and stared down at the floor.

"He's still out there... he's going to get everyone killed..." You muttered to yourself. As much as your past self would have hated to admit it, you had found yourself caring for these people. It wasn't like you wanted them dead before, but now you'd be devastated instead of simply brushing them off. Or maybe it had been that way the whole time...

You clenched your fists. No. You weren't going to let him do anything he was planning. You weren't going to play the role of the crying damsel any longer. You got up and left, making sure nobody saw you.

You only wanted to talk him out of it. It failed the last time, but maybe now that you were a bit more confident about what you were doing, and had no plans of lying, things would go better. However, you still felt the need to get something to defend yourself with in case he tried anything. So, you stopped by the market and got a shovel.

Eventually, you found him on the fifth island.

You took a deep breath as you stood behind him. He appeared to be stacking what looked like a bunch of cardboard cutouts of Monokuma in some sort of line. He was too caught up in what he was doing to notice you. Your grip on the shovel tightened and you swallowed a lump in your throat before speaking.

"Nagito." Was all you said. He quickly turned around, looking shocked for a split second, but quickly smiled upon seeing it was just you.

"(Name)! I'm so happy that I'll get to see you one last time! Can I help you with anything? Or do you want to help me with my plan? I don't know how, but I'm sure it'll go great with your help!" Nagito said as he walked closer to you. You shook your head.

"No. I don't want any involvement in anything you're planning. In fact, I want you to stop!" You said. He quietly stared at you with a blank look on his face before he started laughing.

"Stop!? I can't just stop! You have to understand, everything I do is completely necessary! Including this!" Nagito yelled.

"But if you do, everyone will die!" You protested.

"Not everyone. Unfortunately, only one person will be able to survive. And sadly, that means I'll have to sacrifice you. Oh well! It'll all be worth it!" Nagito exclaimed.

"No it's not!" You yelled.

"Why can't you just understand!? If you knew what they have done! What they did to you! All in the name of despair! If you knew, then you probably wouldn't try to stop me! Try to understand me as much as I understand you!" Nagito said. You glared at him.

"You don't understand me at all! You don't even love me! You love what you want me to be! So don't even try throwing such claims around!" You yelled.

"You're the one who doesn't understand! It's true, I may have done many horrible things, but with this final sacrifice, I could become a powerful beacon of hope! You too! If you help me eliminate these scum, you'll become a beacon of hope too! You could even be called the Ultimate Hope!" Nagito shouted as he began to hold himself tightly and breathe heavily. You began to see red the moment he offered you to help him commit mass murder.

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" You screamed.

The last thing you remember was lifting the shovel over your head.

When you regained consciousness, you were clutching the shovel tightly in your hands. Nagito was laying at your feet. You were still in a state of confusion until you saw blood staining his hair, and the look of shock frozen on his face as his now dull eyes stared blankly ahead.

"No, no, no... I couldn't have..." You lightly nudged him with your foot, having some small hope that you hadn't done what you thought you had done. Nothing. He didn't respond at all. Now panicking, you grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse. Once again, nothing. Your eyes widened as you put a hand to your mouth. The truth hit you like a sack of bricks to the gut.

You killed him.

You were going to die.

You ran back to your cottage as fast as you could, shoving the bloody shovel under your bed, before submerging yourself under the sheets once again. You thought it would be impossible, but you somehow fell unconscious almost instantly.

You were awoken by someone shaking you.

"(Name)? Have you been asleep the whole time?" You looked up to see Chiaki standing over you.

"Uh... yeah." What were you supposed to say? Could you just tell her that you snuck out and killed someone? You had no idea what to do...

"I see... well, just so you know, Nagito's been murdered... and the trial is soon..." Chiaki said before putting her hood over her head and walking out. You stared blankly at the ceiling. After a few minutes, the trial was announced. You trudged to Monokuma Rock, and got on the elevator. You looked at everyone as the elevator descended towards the courtroom. As you stood in your spot, you looked up to see Nagito's portrait directly across from you. Even in death, he seemed to mock you with his smiling face.

As Monokuma announced the rules of the trial for what felt like the millionth time, you swallowed a lump in your throat. What are you going to do? Are you going to be the only one to leave the island? Or will you accept your fate and tell the truth?

((Okay, I lied))

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon