Taste - reprise

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"(Name)... you need to eat." Sonia's voice snapped you out of whatever train of thought you were on.

Ever since your suicide attempt, everyone had been watching you 24\7 to make sure you wouldn't try anything. Especially Nagito. While the others would just keep you away from dangerous objects and sometimes make futile attempts to cheer you up, Nagito's stalking had gotten more intense. He followed you everywhere not making an attempt to hide himself, he would get angry if you didn't respond to him, you even found him asleep outside your cottage more than once.

Currently, Nagito was trying to get you eat. You've barely eaten for the past few days and it was starting to get concerning.

"Ahaha, hey, isn't it ironic? I'm the one feeding you this time!" Nagito was trying to bring humor to this depressing situation, as the spoon he was lightly shoving in your mouth didn't even get past your teeth. Nagito huffed in annoyance before he got an idea and restored his positive attitude returned.

"You're scared you'll choke! Don't worry! I know a way you'll be fine!" Nagito said. He put some of the food in his mouth and chewed it up. Everyone was confused until he grabbed you by the chin, tilted your head up, hung his head right above your face, and attempted to pry your mouth open.

"Nagito, stop!" Hajime yelled as Nagito was restrained by Gundham and forced to spit the chewed up food onto the floor. Before they could scold him for what he attempted to do, Monomi arrived and said you could go check out the newest island. You got up and trudged behind everyone, until your legs gave out, and Chiaki barely managed to catch you.

"She looks really weak. She doesn't even struggle if one of us touches her anymore!" Akane noted.

"Should she really be walking around in this condition? One of us should take her back to her cottage!" Hajime said. As soon as he said that, Monokuma popped up out of nowhere.

"No, no, no! It's VERRRRY important that (Name) goes with the rest of you! Either one of you carries her or she sucks it up and walks!" Monokuma yelled before disappearing. Everyone sighed before agreeing that "Mechamaru" would be the one to carry you to the new island, which ended up being some sort of amusement park.

Monokuma made you all go on a roller coaster. You awkwardly got up and went towards the very back, only to feel a hand on your shoulder.

"(Name)... please don't continue to distance yourself from us... you're only hurting yourself." Chiaki said. You sighed and sat next to her instead. You glanced behind you to see Nagito giving Chiaki a murderous glare, however, his attitude did yet another 180 upon noticing you were looking at him, and he happily waved at you with a bright smile on his face. You turned away from him as soon as the ride started.

Once it was over, you sat on the ground to prevent yourself from stumbling. You looked over your shoulder to see the others looking at what looked some files, and could make out what seemed to be a picture of...

...A skinny Byakuya.

You just brushed it off on your now slipping sanity playing tricks on you. Before you could comprehend anything else, Nagito had picked you up and put you on his back, before following the others. You barely managed to move, and you couldn't form words to tell him to put you down. He made you sit next to him on what appeared to be some sort of train ride.

Nagito put an arm around you, pulled you close, and held you tight, while his other hand played with your hair. The fact that the two of you were at the back meant the others couldn't see how terrified you looked as he whispered things ranging from telling you how much he loved you to how he'd gladly embrace his execution as long as it meant he prevented someone from taking you away from him. It got to the point where some sort of gas coming in and knocking you unconscious was a relief.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now