Different Types Of Love

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Eventually, the truth was uncovered.

Nagito wasn't the killer. Teruteru was.

Even if you didn't care that much for Teruteru, you understood both of his motives. It was only natural to be concerned for a sick parent. Plus, he wanted to stop Nagito, who made it clear that his real talent was the Ultimate Creep.

Nagito's motive, when described by Teruteru, sent chills down your spine.

"But... isn't that what love is?"

It a sense, when he said that the "love" he felt was towards everyone, you felt a bit relieved. Maybe the whole "your true emotions" thing was just a lie, and he had stalked everyone else at some point. Maybe you weren't unlucky enough to be the obsession of the Ultimate Lucky Student. Plus, he said he didn't mind if you any of you "loved" him back, so maybe he did take a hint a long time ago.

Your relief was short lived, however.

As you stood in shock after Teruteru's execution, you heard someone walking towards you.


You quickly turned around to see Nagito walking towards you. You began to back away from him.

"Leave me alone." You said blankly and bluntly. Nagito raised one of his hands up to his face, and shook one of his fingers as if he were criticizing a child, while he wore a sly grin on his face.

"Now, now, I've kept my distance from you for long enough. I need to be within your warmth again." Nagito said as he outstretched his arms, as if he was expecting you to pull a one-eighty, run towards him, and leap into his arms. You continued to back away from him, which changed his smirk to a look of disappointment.

"You're an idiot, you know that? Not only have you harassed and stalked me, but two people are dead because of you, and you really think I'd want anything to do with you?" You asked.

"Huh? I thought you didn't care about us. Why do you care that Byakuya and Teruteru are dead because of me?" Nagito asked.

"You're right. I don't care. However, what you did was still wrong and messed up." You replied. Nagito sighed.

"Oh, (Name)... I thought you'd somehow find it in the deepest depths of your heart to forgive me. It would make things much easier between us." Nagito said. You continued to back away, until your back hit the wall. Nagito placed his hands on both sides of your head. You tensed up due to how close his hands were to you.

You looked up, and instantly wanted to unsee the look on Nagito's face. A dark red blush had spread across his face, his smile widened to the point that it would've hurt anyone else, and his eyes had widened, and thoroughly examined every inch of your body. If you looked into his eyes, you would've seen a terrifying mixture of lust, love, madness, and animalistic hunger. Each time his eyes roamed to a different part of your body, he took deep shaky breaths, which you could feel on your face, much to your disgust.

"Look at you. You refuse to let Byakuya and Teruteru's deaths throw you into despair, yet you're on the verge of trembling if someone were to even stand too close to you! What an enigma you are! You fascinate me so much! That's why I need to see just what your true hope holds!" Nagito exclaimed.

"G-get away from me." You said as you turned your head away from him. You were on the verge of throwing up for a second time, when one of his hands left the wall, and began playing with your hair.

"You know, when you smiled at the party, we were both facing away from each other. I didn't get to see your smile... I'm so unlucky... I bet you have a very beautiful smile. Oh, what I'd do to have it be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning... hopefully it'll be just like how I imagine it..." Nagito began to ramble to himself as drool began to travel down his chin.

Wait a minute. Just like how he imagines it!? Did this guy have some sort of "ideal life" he imagined for the two of you or something!? What goes on in his head!? You shifted your eyes to look at him.

"Hey! Don't go voicing your weird fantasies for all of us to hear, you weirdo psycho pervert!" Ibuki seemed to have read your mind, as she voiced your thoughts pretty well. Suddenly, a thought struck you that could possibly get him to stop.

"H-hold up. I thought you didn't care if any of the Ultimates didn't return your so called "love"? Why are you still getting so up close and personal with me?" You asked.

"Hm? Oh yes, I don't expect my love for them to be returned. But, the love I feel for them, and the love I feel for you are two completely different things." Nagito said. Your eyes widened.

"What?" You asked.

"For the rest of the Ultimates... how would I describe it? I wouldn't call it admiration. I know that it's useless to aspire to be like them. It's more like a deep respect in a way. However, for you, I feel... I feel... genuine romantic attraction." Nagito said. You felt all the blood drain from your body.

"N-no... please tell me you're lying..." You said as you felt your brain slowly begin to shut down.

"I know how you must feel. It's so disgusting that a lowly piece of human trash like me could ever think of being with an Ultimate like you. But, I just couldn't help it, you know? Unlike the rest, you never put on a facade in which you pretended to treat me as your equal, and you trying to distance yourself from me only drew me to you even more. Before I knew it, merely thinking about you caused my heart to start racing. I'm ashamed that I allowed myself to fall in love with you. But, I guess there's nothing either of us can do about it now. A sad but true story of forbidden love..." Nagito explained as he continued to play with your hair. Your knees started shaking when he cupped your face in his hands, and moved your head to face him.

"Don't you get it, (Name)? I want you, I need you, I love you. You manage to make yourself stand out among Ultimates of all people. Because of you, I'm not willing to die as much as I was before. I want to see just how much emotion I can get out of you before I die..." Nagito said before he started leaning forward. Realizing what he was about to do, you snapped back to reality, and let out a primal scream.

"Alright, that's enough! Shut up!" Just as his lips were about to touch yours, Akane's foot collided with the side of his head, knocking him to the ground, as well as knocking him unconscious. You fell to your knees, breathing heavily.

"A-are you okay?" Mikan asked.

"She just got harassed by who's now the biggest creep on the island now that Teruteru's dead! You really think anyone would be okay after that, you stupid slut!?" Hiyoko said. Mikan yelped and began apologizing. You stood up and composed yourself.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a shower." You said as you returned to your calm self.

"Are you sure? You were pale and shaking not even five minutes ago." Hajime asked.

"I told you, I'm fine. I just need to get his germs off me." You said.   

After taking the elevator back up to leave the courtroom, you returned to your cottage. The first thing you did was, yes, take a shower. You made sure to thoroughly wash your hair.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें