Our Story

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Nagito rubbed his wrists as he ran off to find you. Monokuma let him out to investigate. He had to find you, and see if his suspicions were true.

They weren't.

You were in the beach house, along with Hajime, and... Ibuki, Mikan, and Chiaki, among a few others. It had been Mahiru who had kicked the bucket this time. You hadn't noticed him yet. Perfect. After discussing something with Hajime, most likely providing him with an alibi for you and your new "friends", you stepped outside. Nagito stealthily followed you.

You were just staring at the ocean. Perhaps you were taking everything in? Regardless, he snuck up behind you, making as little sound as possible. After a minute of doing nothing but staring at the back of your head, he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace, pulling you into his chest as he took in as much of your scent as he could. However, you struggled and squirmed as much as a fish that had suddenly been pulled from the water, and you were out of his grip as quickly as he had pulled you in.

"What the hell..." You said as you stared at him with a hateful glare. He smiled at you.

"You're so cute when you're mad. Plus, it feels amazing to have you in my arms once again. I'm also kind of ashamed that you didn't use the chains to your advantage or anything, but I guess you're not into that sort of stuff." Nagito said before trying to give you another hug, to which you ducked and ran around him.

"Why are you out of your chains?" You asked.

"Really? You're still using that dull monotone voice even now? Not that I mind, but you get the point. Anyways, Monokuma let me out to investigate." Nagito explained.

"Alright. At least you didn't break out." You said.

"Tell me, what was the motive this time?" Nagito asked. You sighed and told him everything about the game, the characters who were clearly based off some of you, including the victim, Mahiru, and the pictures. You even gave him the pictures given to you.

"You look so cute in a school uniform..." Nagito said. You glared at him in disgust.

"Now's not the time for your gross flirting. Those pictures might be helpful to find out who killed her." You said. As you said that, Hajime, Chiaki, Mikan, Ibuki, and Fuyuhiko noticed the two of you.

"Nagito!? What are you doing here!?" Hajime yelled.

"Blame Monokuma." You said before using your three friends as a barrier between you and Nagito, which actually made him look a bit annoyed for a second.

"Who cares if the bastard got out? We still have a murder to solve here, remember that!?" Fuyuhiko said. You nodded.

"Yeah. Just leave me out of it." You said as you walked off. Nagito would've followed you, but he had to get caught up on everything before he could fully focus on you.

You slammed the door shut as you entered your cottage. You couldn't believe Monokuma. You couldn't believe whoever the killer was. You couldn't believe... whoever set off the chain of events leading to Nagito's release. Your "freedom" was so short lived that you barely even got a chance to fully take it in and enjoy it.

You punched the wall in rage. You had to put up with him 24\7 again. Fan-fucking-tastic.


There was constant knocking and ringing on your doorbell after a few minutes of silence. This was definitely Nagito. You could feel his eagerness to talk to you from beyond the door. With an irritated growl, you opened the door, confirming your suspicions.

"Hey, can I examine those pictures one more time?" Nagito asked. With an odd mix of your usual monotone facial expression and a light glare on your face, you gave him the two pictures. After around two minutes of him looking lost in his own little world while caressing one of the pictures, he looked up at you with a bright smile.

"Thanks!" He said.

Before you could say anything else, he gave you a quick peck on the nose, before walking off, both pictures still in his hands. You instantly shut the door and began frantically washing your face. Gross, gross, gross, gross.

You sat on your bed, and buried your face in your pillow. You felt so gross...

Meanwhile, Nagito couldn't be happier as he entered his cottage. He cut Mikan and Ibuki out of the first picture, before taping both of them to the wall. Just above where he placed that toy he had taken from your cottage. He's glad that nobody had come in here while he was tied up, or his little "project" would be shut down early.  

When he heard that the trial announcement, he gave a kiss to each picture, and headed out.

When you all got on the elevator, you continued to use your three friends as a barrier from Nagito. They were either oblivious to his glare, or they chose to ignore it to avoid starting any more problems. It didn't help that he had to stand between two of them during the trial.

Your suspicions about who was who in that damn game were confirmed.

"Girl G disliked physical contact, and Boy H showed stalker tendencies towards her. They're most likely (Name) and Nagito." Hajime explained.

"He stalked me during our time in school too... great..." You said. Of course, Nagito had the opposite reaction.

"Wow! Maybe there's a chance that the two of us had the happy ending I wanted back then! That's why Monokuma took away such happy memories... how unlucky..." Nagito said as he went from optimistic to pessimistic at the drop of a hat.

"Doubt it." You said.

"We don't know the full story." Nagito said.

"Can you two stop debating about your relationship for once and focus on the murder!?" Hiyoko yelled, tears still in her eyes.

"Yeah, she's right. So, Nagito, shut up." You said.

This resulted in him shutting up completely until he was needed to speak again.

(A\N: "We don't know the full story" no that's NOT me teasing the idea of me writing a prequel once I'm done with this or maybe even while I'm still working on it hahaha)

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now