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After the execution and getting over the shock of everything, your first thought wasn't a surprise... food. It seemed to be a contest between you and Akane over who could wolf down the most food in the shortest amount of time upon being released from your fruit themed prison. Everyone else, while clearly hungry, didn't want to risk getting their hands bit off and merely watched.

Eventually, you ate until your body decided it went too long without a proper goodnight's sleep and collapsed.

"Don't think I'm letting anyone as disgusting as the rest of you touch her." Nagito said. He went to approach you but he was grabbed by the hood of his jacket.

"We're not letting you touch her either. We're aware of all the gross shit you did in the funhouse!" Fuyuhiko said. The others were quick to stand between you and Nagito. His glare immediately became more intense and hateful.

"Fine. I'll leave you be, for now. But rest assured, once everything is set into motion, we'll definitely be together for all eternity." Nagito threatened them one last time before shoving Fuyuhiko off and walking out.

That morning, when you woke up and made your way to get breakfast, everyone seemed to have been waiting for you. However, Nagito wasn't there, to your relief.

"(Name), we need to ask you a favor." Sonia said.

"Huh? What is it?" You asked.

"We need you to be Nagito bait." Akane jumped straight to the point. You were glad you weren't eating anything or you surely would've choked.

"What!?" Everyone flinched as you raised your temper.

"Look, we're planning to tie Nagito up again. It's clear he's planning something and that it's nothing good. You're the only one he's not disgusted by, so you're only one who can lure him to us. Understand?" Chiaki explained.

"I... I don't know... interacting with him when he approaches me is hard enough, I don't know how he'll react when I'm the one to approach him..." You sat down and put a hand to your head, the idea of it making your stomach churn.

"So... having Nagito out of your hair once again isn't a good bargain?" As soon as those words left Kazuichi's mouth, your head snapped back up.

"I'm in." You said.

"Great! Just lure him to the lobby, and we'll snatch him there!" Akane said.

Your idea was to write a note.

Hey, can you meet me at the hotel lobby in fifteen minutes? There's something I need to tell you.


You went to Nagito's cottage, slid the note under the door, and knocked before running off.

"Okay, once he gets here, distract him until he lets his guard down. Do it by whatever means possible. After that, give us the signal and we'll sneak up on him. If you think you can't keep it up, just scream and we'll take care of him." Hajime instructed you. You nodded before everyone hid.

The next few minutes were spent in silence. So, it was only natural for you to be startled when you felt hands on your shoulders only a few seconds after you turned around to wipe sweat off your forehead. You turned around to see Nagito smirking as he held the note carefully between two of his fingers.

"Well, well, well, looks like the rare occasion where you're the one wanting my attention. Tell me, what do you have to say?" Nagito asked as he leaned forward and put the note in his pocket. You gulped.

"You... you were right. I can't trust them." You said. He chuckled.

"It's nice to see that you're coming to your sense. Anything else?" Nagito asked. You averted your eyes a bit. You had to fully make sure his guard was down before giving the signal. Even if Nagito was obsessed with you beyond belief, there's no way he'd think you'd write a note just so you could tell him you changed your mind about something that you clearly had trouble with in the first place. You needed to say or do something that would truly catch him off guard.

"I also wanted to tell you..." You looked down, balled your hands into fists, and took a deep breath before looking back up at him.

"I also wanted to tell you... that I love you." Nagito did not react the way you thought he'd react to you saying something like that. You at the very least probably would've expected him to smile, laugh, hug you, or start rambling about he was truly "lucky" to have finally earned your affections. But instead, he just cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Tell me, (Name), did you wake up this morning, and get a reel of shock when you saw I wasn't actually next to you because you had a dream that was far too real? Does merely thinking about me cause you to feel like your heart is desperately trying to escape your ribcage? Do you pour your heart into everything you do around me, even the tiniest things such as talking? Because then, I'll definitely know you love me as much as I love you." Nagito asked. You shakily nodded.

"Y-yeah, I do." You said.

"Prove it." Nagito said. At this point you were getting desperate. After a moment of hesitation, and shoving all feelings of disgust to the back of your mind, you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. It was really quick, as you probably wouldn't be able to handle it for more than a few seconds. You breathed heavily as you pulled away.

"See? Does that prove it? I love you." You insisted. Nagito smiled rather sweetly at you. For a split second, you thought you had succeeded.

"No you don't."

"What...?" You felt your whole world freeze for a split second after those words left his mouth.

"You're one of the worst liars I've ever seen. You're sweating, stuttering, can't even bother to look me in the eyes. Even your handwriting suggests your hand was shaking while writing it." He held up the note again to show you what he was talking about. He saw through you the whole time. You might as well have never even bothered.

"I will admit, even if there were all those red flags, the kiss is what hurt me the most. You didn't put a single bit of love into that kiss. You can lie with words, but not even bothering to try make that kiss believable just hurts my feelings." Nagito said. You were about to call for the others when he brightened up again and shoved you down to the floor before pinning you down.

"Oh well! If you won't love me yourself, I'll just have to make you!" Nagito said as he seemed rather proud of his idea. Unable to take it anymore, you screamed as you were instructed to, and immediately felt Nagito get forcefully lifted off of you.

Almost by instinct, you got up and ran to the farthest corner of the room as fast as you could. Finally. He was gone. He'd be out of your hair once again and you could finally relax and give the mental and emotional wounds time to heal.

At least, that's what you thought until you heard the explosion.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now