Bonus Chapter Part 3: End Of The Beginning

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Nagito stared down at the broken handcuff that rested in a pool of blood. He instantly knew both the handcuff and the blood were yours. After several moments of slience, he began to laugh. After all he had gone through in this city, especially with those damn kids, all he gets is a result as despairful as this! Once his laughter died down, he thought about his parting words to Monaca and Kurokuma. Maybe staying just a bit longer to see the grand finale wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. And so, he turned around and went in the opposite of the direction he was originally headed.

Meanwhile, the young man who had saved you from those Monokumas watched from a spot where Nagito wouldn't have been able to see him. He looked down at your unconscious form before walking away himself.

When you woke up, there was a blinding light just above you. The fact that the whole room seemed to be white just made you want to cover your eyes even more. However, when you moved your arm up to your face, it was bandaged. Someone had bandaged your arms and most likely your stomach as well when you were unconscious. One question ran through your head.

Why? Why had someone seemingly come out of nowhere and saved you from those Monokumas? However, you didn't have time to question things for long, as an all too familiar voice rang in your ears and sent chills down your spine.

"Oh thank goodness! I was starting to worry that you wouldn't wake up!"

"NO! GET AWAY! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" You yelled as you quickly sat up and used your arms to shield your face with your eyes clenched shut. Was it really for nothing? Did all those times you were so close to escape end up just with you ending up in Nagito's clutches again?

"H-hey, calm down! I'm not going to hurt you!" You heard him protest. Huh? He wasn't going to hurt you after what you said to him back in Towa City? What was going on?

You slowly lowered your arms and opened your eyes to see the person in front of you... wasn't Nagito. In fact, he held more of a resemblance to that Komaru girl, ahoge and all.

"I'm sorry... I thought you were someone else for a second..." You apologized. He awkwardly laughed it off.

"It's fine. I'm Makoto Naegi, by the way." Makoto said before offering you a hand. You went to shake it only to pull your hand back before you could.

"...(Name) (Last name). Sorry, I'm not really a huge fan of touch." You said. Makoto's eyes widened.

"(Name) (Last name)? But... you were presumed dead along with the rest of your class!" Makoto exclaimed in shock. You awkwardly rubbed your bandage clad arm.

"Oh, really? Well, I'm alive as you can see..." You said.

"Quick, tell me! Are the rest of your classmates alive!? Where are they!? We might be able to help them!" You backed away a bit as you didn't feel comfortable talking about them. As a lump formed in your throat that prevented you from getting any words out, you saw someone enter the room that just made things worse.

"(Name)? (Name)! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to see you're still alive after all this time!" You were now shaking like a wet chihuahua as your former teacher ran up to you and gave you a tight hug.

"Don't worry, I won't tell them you're here. I can only imagine the wonderful look of despair on their faces..." She whispered into your ear. It was at that moment that you just burst into tears.

You have no idea how long you've been here. The only way you've kept track of time was by watching your wounds heal. Even with the meetings you had with the supposed Ultimate Therapist, recovery from all the trauma you endured seemed to be coming at a slow pace.

At least, until Makoto approached you one day.

"Hey. Can you come with me?" Makoto asked. Hesitantly, you nodded and began following him. He seemed to be taking extra measures to make sure no one saw the two of you, which made you a little nervous. Even more so, when you felt someone come up behind you and put a blindfold on you.

"Don't scream it's just one of my friends. We decided that this should be a surprise." Makoto explained. Despite being very weirded out, you continued going through with what they were doing. After all, Makoto didn't have a malicious bone in his body. There's no way he'd do anything to hurt you on purpose, right? Right?

You ended up on what you could only assume was a boat. The time there felt extra drawn out due to the almost eerie silence, save for sounds such as the water. When you got off, you felt Makoto lead you somewhere before he took your blindfold off. You felt all the oxygen leave your lungs at the sight before you.

"W-What is this?" You asked. Makoto sighed.

"I probably should've told you earlier but... we found your classmates awhile ago, and recently found out who they really were. This is the only way I can help them, and I'm starting to think this is the only way I can help you too. Just trust me on this, okay?" Makoto explained. Your eyes widened as you took a few steps back before attempting to run. However, you got grabbed by some girl with purple hair who, with a look of what almost appeared to be pity, forced you into one of the pods and closed the lid before you had the chance to scream.

When you heard the sound of other people coming in, you closed your eyes as tears went down your cheeks. That is, until you heard the sound of tapping above you. Against your better judgement, you opened your eyes and screamed when you could make out Nagito's silhouette looming over you. You could hear that maniacal cackle of his as he continued tapping on the lid of your pod for only a few more seconds before he was abruptly pulled away. Did Makoto not know that he'd be essentially trapping you with the person who caused you to be such a wreck in the first place!?

Too frozen from fear and shock, you didn't put up a struggle as you were forced into an unconscious state.

You woke up in a classroom with several students that you didn't recognize.

((IT'S FINALLY OVER! Nah, just kidding, there's gonna be a second book so until then, I'll see you guys later. Thanks for reading and peace out.))

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