Full Circle

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When the ringing in your ears from the explosion went away, the first thing you heard was Nagito's laugh. You stumbled as you tried to regain your balance, as the explosion had brought you to your knees out of shock. It was then that Nagito revealed his big plan.

Blowing up the whole island.

"Bastard..." You muttered, but it seemed to be loud enough to get Nagito's attention, as he turned his head to look at you. His eyes lit up and his smile became a bit less demented as you shot a hateful glare at him.

"(Name)... it's going to be alright. I'm terribly sorry for what I'm about to do." Nagito said as he walked up to you.

Before you could question him, he had grabbed you by the hair and slammed your head into the wall, just enough to knock you out.

You woke up on a bed. It felt unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time. You put a hand to your forehead. You'd definitely have a headache for at least of the day.

"You're awake!"

You looked up to see Nagito beaming sweetly yet sadistically at you. You swallowed a lump that had formed in your threat as you felt your heartbeat speed up.

"Y-you're not going to tie me up or anything?" You tried giving him your usual attitude, in hope's that it would get him to let you go or find a distraction allowing you to escape. Nagito chuckled at your question.

"Of course not! You can pretend to be brave all you want, but I know you fear me to the point you can't move at this point... I've broken you... it hurts, but it's true..." Nagito said as he sadly looked down at his feet.

"That's not true..." You said. Nagito looked down at you and smirked.

"Try it. Try running away." Nagito said in a voice that made it clear he was taunting. You looked around for a few seconds, a chill shooting up your spine when you saw his little stalker shrine composed entirely of the things you lost during your time on the island. You went to jump off the bed, but Nagito stepped forward, causing you to flinch and hold your arms above your head. Nagito laughed at your actions.

"See!? You're terrified!" He exclaimed. He sighed once his laughter died down and looked down at your defeated expression.

"Though I wonder... in the short time we have left together, can I still find a way to change staying out of fear, to staying out of love?" Nagito wondered. The way he worded it caught your attention.

"Short time...?" You asked.

"You'll understand later. Just know that with what I'm planning, you and I won't be around for much longer if it goes smoothly." Nagito explained. You felt all the blood in your face practically disappear. What did he mean by that? Were the both of you going to die somehow? What about the others?

"It actually gave me an excuse to keep you here! I told them that where they'll find the bomb I've hidden, is also where they'll find you! And... spoiler alert! The bomb isn't here! So they won't be finding you for awhile..." Nagito said.

"Another bomb!?" You yelled.

"Don't act like they don't deserve such a fate. For all you know, you could be defending someone who's the reason you were even brought here!" Nagito said as he slowly sounded more and more angry as he talked.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." You practically hissed at him.

"I don't expect you to believe me. Just know that you were brought here for a different reason than the rest of us. You're not with us, but I wouldn't exactly say you're with the traitor. It also doesn't say who caused you to end up in such a state... but I'm sure they were a real bastard..." Nagito explained. He was right. You didn't believe him. If anything, it just gave you more reason to escape.

Suddenly, you jumped off the bed, and went for the door, only for Nagito to grab you from behind and throw you to the floor. He glared as he stared down at you.

"I gave you the chance to try and leave, and you blew it. Don't think you can suddenly change your mind." Nagito said. You glared back at him.

"Let me out! I won't let you get away with your plan!" You yelled. Nagito smiled and even blushed a little at your reaction.

"How cute. All your reactions are... so cute! If I could, I'd have multiple copies of your face, each making a different expression, and have them all put on my walls!" Nagito started to hug himself and breathe heavily while you give him a look of complete disgust. That was when he suddenly turned completely serious and went from towering over you to grabbing you by your shirt and pulling you up into his face faster than you could blink.

"I mean it though. From this point forward, you will stay here until the time is right. There will be severe consequences if you try to leave. Understand?" Nagito asked as he looked you dead in the eyes, showing that he meant every word he said. You shakily nodded.

"U-understood." You said. Nagito smiled and kissed you on the forehead.

"Good. I'm doing this because I love you, okay? You're the only good thing on this island at this point." Nagito said as he pulled you into a hug.

It seemed your fate was sealed. Once again, trapped in a room with only Nagito to keep you company. He tried talking to you, only for you to go silent at some point, as things he would say sometimes freaked you out to the point you couldn't think of anything to say at all.

And then it happened. Nagito told you that he had to go and left.

You weren't at risk of any sort of punishment from Monokuma if you left, so you quickly ran out the door. Not wanting to play dumb and potentially fall into an obvious trap, you hid for awhile. You saw Nagito walk past, rubbing his neck for some reason, you saw him walk into his cottage, you heard him scream in a mixture of surprise and anger, before he stormed out in the direction he came from. You quickly ran in the opposite direction, trying to find any sign of the others.

Until you were tackled to the ground.

"I told you there would be consequences!" Nagito screamed in your face. You struggled beneath him.

"Well... guess it's time for you to face said consequences, then." Nagito said before he started kissing your neck. Your eyes widened in horror as you realized what the consequences were.

"O-out in the open!?" You protested. He paused to look up at you and shrugged.

"I don't care. Let them watch." Nagito said before continuing his actions.

"N-no! Stop!" You yelled as you started to try and push him off you.

You squirmed as much as you could as you were showered in unwanted kisses. Your hands pounded against his chest as your legs kicked in nearly every direction, your pleas for help from those who hadn't perished yet were silenced by his lips that were on top of yours, and when as soon as your mouth was free, he instantly latched onto either another part of your face or your neck.

"P-please... s-stop..." You whimpered. He looked down at you with glazed eyes, and a dark red blush on his face.

"Ah... but (Name), we barely have any time left together at this point. Besides, I know that deep down, you want me. I don't know why you'd want someone like me, but I'm not complaining." He said. As he looked at the tears streaming down your face, he came to a sudden realization.

"You know, this is the most emotion you've shown me. Well, not counting... that experience at least." He said before he continued his previous actions. However, you both heard the others calling your name. With that, he placed one last kiss on your forehead.

"Well, this is it, I guess. It was nice to see you have a change in demeanor towards me. It wasn't the one I wanted, and I had to break you in order to achieve it, but in the end, it doesn't matter, because I know you'll take the despair of being broken by trash like me, and turn it into an even brighter hope. My only regret is that I won't be around to see it. Well, goodbye." He said before walking away.

Even after he was gone, and when you were found, you were still on the ground, hyperventilating from the trauma you had just endured.

As they helped you up, you couldn't help but think back on your various experiences on this island, especially with that boy who had just violated you...

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora