Let Me Die

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"No.. you're lying, aren't you?" You asked, enraged. You just lost Ibuki... you didn't know if you could handle losing another one of your few friends. Hajime shook his head.

"(Name), I'm sorry, but all the evidence points to Mikan!" Hajime said.

"Shut up! If this is a joke, it isn't funny!" Everyone jumped as you rose your voice.

"Oh, (Name), as much as I love the despair on your face... it's over." Mikan said as she sighed happily.

You all voted for her. You felt your stomach drop as the votes ended up being correct.

You stared in horror as Mikan rambled about her "beloved" and how they forgave and loved her. It was when Nagito called her out that you wanted it to stop.

"Is it because you have nobody to love? Nobody to understand you? What a shame. I feel bad for you." Mikan said. Nagito reeled back in shock before brushing it off.

"You're wrong. I have (Name)!" Nagito said. You froze. Did he really think he was your boyfriend or something because of something when you were sick!?

"(Name?)" Mikan asked. She then burst into laughter.

"Oh... if only you knew the truth... I wonder how you'd both react?" Mikan wondered.

After that, Mikan was executed, and any and all color your eyes had, were completely gone. Dull like a doll's once again.

You walked, almost robotically, back to your cottage, not even bothering to reunite with Nekomaru. You entered your bathroom, and felt the tears silently falling down your face.

How long had you been in the bath for? You glanced at your window. The sun was barely starting to rise, and the 7 AM announcement hadn't come yet. Pretty early. You got out and looked at how wrinkly your skin was. The scars on your stomach were still there, showing no signs of going away anytime soon. You sighed as you put your clothes on.

Just... what was the point? You had a stalker that had taken advantage of you while you were under the effects of a disease and carved his name into your body and he would probably never let you live down the fact that you two slept together, you finally managed to make friends only for two of them to die, and by one murdering the other after going insane no less, and you could be murdered at any second.

You just... saw no point in continuing at this point. Things would just get worse.

As you walked to the beach, you thought about Monokuma's words about suicide. You were the most important person to yourself? Well, at this point, you didn't know if it was true. Because you didn't feel an ounce of self worth at all.

As you stood there in complete silence, you wondered how others would react to your death. Monokuma would probably be psyched at a suicide happening right after a murder, Nagito would most likely completely snap, Chiaki would be sad, but... you didn't know about everyone else. Maybe your body would drift away in the sea and they'd never know you died. You didn't know which one sounded better.

Either way, you took one last deep breath, before allowing yourself to fall forward and sink to your doom.

It took all your willpower to not struggle for air or pull yourself up. You watched the light of the rising sun grow farther and farther away as you sank. Your vision got blurrier and blurrier before it went dark.

You wouldn't call it a dream. It felt more like having random colors flash in front of your voice. It felt peaceful. Like you were floating on your greatest dreams. You saw a big spot of white amongst the colors and attempted to make your way towards it. However, you felt an unseen force violently pull you away.

After that, it was black. You couldn't feel anything. You couldn't hear anything. You couldn't taste anything. You couldn't smell anything. You couldn't see anything.

Slowly, your senses restored themselves. You could feel the familiar feeling of a hospital bed. You could taste the lingering taste of seawater in your mouth. You could faintly hear several voices yelling your name. You inhaled through your nose and felt air enter your lungs. Your eyes shot open and you saw everyone surrounding you.

"Oh thank goodness, you're okay." Chiaki said.

"Have you lost your mind!? What the fuck were you thinking!?" Fuyuhiko yelled.

"I..." You trailed off. You were alive? How? Why?

"You're lucky Nagito apparently saw you when he did. If he didn't jump in after you, you would've surely died." Sonia said. Your eyes widened. No.

"Who would've thought that guy's weird stalker crush would save your life?" Akane wondered.

No, no, no, no, no...

"(Name)!" Nagito shoved the others out of his way as he ran over and gave you a tight hug, to the point where you almost choked for a split second.

"I'm so glad you're okay... I don't know what I'd do if I lost you..." Nagito said. He sounded both devastated and psychotic at the same time.

"NO!" You shoved Nagito off of you and attempted to run out of the room, but you were restricted by Akane.

"Let me go! Let me die!" You begged as you attempted to pry your way out.

Your cries were the only sound that filled the room as everyone watched you with pitiful expressions adorning their faces.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें