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You were currently working on a toy train as you sat at a faraway table. For awhile, Hiyoko had tried pestering you, but you ignored her.

"So, do you play with the toys you make? What are you, four years old!? Hey, listen to me, Creep Bait!"

"Creep Bait?" You asked as you glanced at her.

"Yeah! Cause that creep follows you around like some sort of lost puppy!" Hiyoko said. You went back to what you were doing.

"I'd say that's a more fitting nickname for you. You know, since the majority of your fans are old creeps and all." You said. Hiyoko flinched, taken aback by your comment.

"Wha-! You're such a meanie!" Hiyoko yelled before running off crying.

"And she questions my age..." You mumbled.

This was the calmest you've felt in awhile. Nekomaru and Kazuichi had tied up Nagito, and although you didn't show it, you couldn't be happier. Finally! He was getting what he deserved! He was out of your hair, and you felt safe for once. Out of sight, out of mind they say.

Suddenly, Mahiru came rushing in, and slammed a tray of food in front of you.

"You! Go bring him his food, now!" Mahiru yelled. You looked at her as if she had just grown two heads.

"Are you crazy? Did you not see how he treated me at the trial?" You asked.

"Look, I know what he did, but you have to listen to me! When I came in, he got really angry and demanded that he wants you to be the only one to bring him his meals, and started listing a bunch of threatening things that he said he'd do if you didn't!" Mahiru said.

"He's tied up." You said.

"I-I know, but you should've been there to understand why he freaked me out! He had this murderous glint in his eyes, and I never heard anyone yell in such an angry tone before!" Mahiru said. You pushed the tray away from you.

"Well, go and tell him to have fun starving." You said as you crossed your arms.

"H-hey! Letting him starve to death is a bit cruel, don't ya think!? We're not murderers like him!" Kazuichi protested.

"You bring him the food then." You said.

"N-no way!" Kazuichi yelled.

"Well, it's certainly not going to be me." You said.

"(Name), Nagito's not going to be tied up forever. His threats could very well be real." Peko said.

"I highly doubt he's going to torture everyone on the island just because the girl he liked didn't bring him food." You said.

"Well, it isn't too farfetched for someone like him." Hajime said.

"Either way, we should take them very seriously." Peko advised. You sighed, got up, and picked up the tray.

"Fine..." You said through gritted teeth.

You couldn't believe this. Of course he'd make a request like that. Of course he'd threaten everyone.

"Waah, waah! My crush didn't bring me food! Let me just kill everyone!" You said to yourself in a whiny childish voice.

You stood in front of the same place where the party was held. The same place where Byakuya died. How ironic that Nagito was being kept locked up in here.

"(N-Name)! What awe you doin' here!?" You looked down to see Monomi staring up at you.

"Apparently, Nagito refuses to eat unless I bring him food. So, unless you want him to starve to death, let me through." You said. Monomi nodded, and made room for you to pass. You took one last deep breath, and opened the door.

Nagito was on the floor with his hands tied behind his back. He appeared to be thinking to himself, until he noticed you, and his face lit up like that of a child's on Christmas morning.

"You came!" He said. You walked up to him, and dropped the tray in front of him.

"Bon appetit." You said before you started walking away.

"Um... (Name). Don't you see anything wrong?" Nagito asked. You looked at him, and scowled.

"No." You said. Nagito started squirming around on the floor, the chains rattled as he moved.

"I can't move my hands. You have to feed me." Nagito explained.

"No." You repeated. Nagito pouted.

"This food will get rotten by the time I'm able to reach it without my arms. Please." Nagito begged.

"Fine. Eat quickly." You shoved an apple in his face. You looked away from him, as you listened to the sound of him biting and chewing the apple. Eventually, you became lost in thought.

Until you felt him playfully lick your fingers.

You gasped, dropped the apple, and backed away from him on all fours.

"What was that for!?" You yelled.

"You wouldn't move your hand so I could continue eating." Nagito replied. You glared at him as you rubbed your hand.

"You could have just said something." You replied. Nagito chuckled.

"I wanted to get a reaction out of you." He said.

You continued to feed him, not looking away from him to make sure he didn't lick you again. And he loved every second of it. Your hateful gaze was contrasted by an oh-so loving gaze. The one you'd expect to see on a girl in a cliche romance anime. It would've been cute, if he wasn't already extremely creepy.

"There. You're all fed." You said before standing up. As you walked away, you heard him call your name.

"(Name)." He said. You turned around, and glared at him.

"What? Do you want me to tuck you in and read you a bedtime story too?" You asked. He ignored you, as his eyes wandered a bit for a second, before he looked back at your face, a dark red blush once again on his face.

"Just wanted to say that you taste wonderful. See you at lunch." Nagito said.

"Whatever." You said before walking out.

It wasn't until you were halfway back to the hotel, did you realize what part of your body his eyes wandered to, and why it made him blush.

"That pervert..." You muttered.

You made a quick stop by your cottage, where you changed out of your skirt, into a pair of shorts. Not giving him the chance to do that again.

"Woah. What's with the slight wardrobe change?" Hajime asked. You sat back at where you were sitting before Mahiru forced you to bring Nagito food. You crossed your arms.

"I don't want to say why... it's embarrassing and gross..." You said. You continued working on your toy train like nothing happened.

(A\N: I love how nobody seems to have realized that the title is a pun on Reader-chan's talent. I don't even know why I'm bringing that up.)

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant