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Your eyes widened a little at the sight before you. One second, you were rushing to help Mikan get back up after she once again fell into a suggestive pose, and the next, Byakuya laid down on the floor, covered in his own blood, dead before your very eyes. The thought that someone actually might die on this island never fully processed in your mind before this, making it all the more shocking. Plus, if Byakuya, your "leader", could be the first to die, who's to say that someone like you, the girl who has no plans to form any bonds, was guaranteed safety?

During the "investigation period" provided to you by Monokuma, you simply returned to your cottage, not bothering to search for clues. You stood in silence for a few moments, before rushing to your bathroom and allowing any food you had not already digested that day to leave through your mouth. The thought of dying disgusted you to the point where you felt ill.

After spending some more time in your cottage, Monokuma announced that the first class trial was about to begin. You sighed, and went to the place where Monokuma told you to go.  

You didn't even bother to even look at anyone as you waited for everyone else to arrive. When Monokuma Rock began to shake, and the escalator appeared, you were the first to get on. In the elevator, you stood really close to the door, blankly staring at the world around you. Nagito went to go stand next to you, but he was stopped by Hajime.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you while we were investigating, but (Name) wanted me to tell you to leave her alone." Hajime said. Was it just you or did Nagito... stiffen up?

"Really? Okay! I'll take your word for it!" Nagito said through a forced smiled. Well, it looked forced to you.

When you reached the trial room, to see Monokuma and a tied up Monomi, you gave everyone a distrustful look before making your way to your assigned spot. You looked up to see you were standing directly across from Nagito. He noticed this, and gave you a smile and wave. You glared at him.

"Can we just start the trial?" You asked.

"Of course!" Monokuma said.

Surprisingly, the first to be suspected was you.

"Huh? Why me?" You asked.

"B-because it's obvious! You've been giving us cold looks ever since we got here! You must've wanted to kill us the whole time!" Kazuichi yelled.

"I think you're getting me mixed up with Fuyuhiko. The thought of getting close enough to stab someone is... gross." You said.

"Are you accusing me, bitch!?" Fuyuhiko yelled.

"I don't know. Maybe." You said.

"Why you little-!"

"Anyways, I think we can agree that (Name) is not the killer." Nagito said as he cut off Fuyuhiko.

"Yeah. Not only is (Name) disgusted by the idea of standing close enough to stab someone, but she was near me when the lights went out. There's no way she could've gotten to Byakuya in that amount of time." Hajime explained.

The next suspect was Peko. This argument lasted longer than you wanted it to, once you learned what her alibi was.


"Alright. Can we move on now?" You asked.

"How did it feel to do your business in the dark?" Teruteru asked.

"Seriously, can we move on now?" You asked.

Eventually, you all took a look at a chart that showed where everyone was at the time of the blackout. It lead to only one possible suspect.


"I knew something was wrong with you." You said.

"(N-Name), wait!" Nagito protested.

"Nagito, why!? We investigated together, you were so kind!" Hajime said. Nagito struggled to form a sentence.

"Nagito, say something!" Hajime yelled.

Slowly, Nagito began to laugh. It was a laugh that would be in your nightmares for who knows how long.

You knew it. Nagito was crazy.

"Let's cut to the chase! You're correct! It was my doing all along! I'm the one who hid the knife under the table before the party started. I'm the one who used the power cord to find my way to the table in the dark. And of course, I'm the one who caused the blackout. After all, there's no way I'd willingly whip out a knife in front of everyone else, right?" Nagito explained. It was then that a thought crossed your mind.

"Was I your initial target?" You asked.

"Huh?" Nagito asked.

"Ever since we met, you've pestered me, you've followed me, you went into my cottage and stole some of my things, you kept trying to be friends with me, you claim to understand me, and you even went out of your way to hug me at the party. So I must ask, were you just trying to get close to me so you could kill me? Would you have killed me if Byakuya hadn't intervened?" You asked. It was kind of shocking how you were able to stay so calm while asking him this. Nagito chuckled.

"Nope! Quite the opposite, actually. It's true that I have done all of those things, but not because I wanted you dead! The actual reason is very different!" Nagito replied.

"Why then?" You asked.

"I want your true hope to shine through. And to do that, I need to see your true emotions shine through first." Nagito said.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now