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As the ambulance drove away you couldn't help but think about Fuyuhiko and Peko. Then again, everyone probably was. Once again, you barely interacted with them, but watching them cry over each other like that was just... pitiful.

You were lucky enough to not get assaulted by Nagito this time. However for some reason, on the elevator ride back up you felt something odd on the back of your head for a second, but it was gone as soon as it came.

You returned to your cottage, and flopped down onto your bed. You looked at some spare doll supplies you had, and got an idea, before you got to work.

As you worked on the third doll, you caught a glimpse of white at your window before it ducked down. You scoffed, and didn't even bother to give him what he wants by talking to him. You finished your work and went to sleep early.

Nagito looked back up to see you sleeping. He hugged himself tightly and started breathing heavily while a dark blush adorned his cheeks. You were so cute when you slept. Albeit, he thought you'd look even cuter in his bed instead of your own. Just the thought of the two of you... he quickly composed himself.

He looked at your newest creations and scowled. You made dolls of your three little friends. You might as well be spitting on his feelings and stepping all over them right now. Did you want to mock him? Did you want to taunt him about he was scum that didn't deserve your love? Sure, it was true, but he wanted to hold on to the smallest hope of a chance of calling you his one day. With a sigh of disappointment, he returned to his cottage.

The next morning, you got your new dolls, and went to the hotel restaurant. You stood baffled at Hiyoko's "shrine" to Mahiru, before walking over to your friends.

"Hey. I have a surprise for you guys." You said. All three of them perked up before you handed them the dolls.

"AAAAAHHH! A MINI IBUKI! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH (NAME)!" Ibuki squealed in excitement.

"W-wow... n-nobody's ever given me a d-doll before!" Mikan said before bursting into tears, in which you couldn't tell if they were out of joy or not. Chiaki just curiously fiddled with the doll, while you felt proud of yourself, albeit you didn't show it.

Meanwhile, Nagito stared at the four of you. Rage boiled within him as he excused himself.

He checked to see if the door to your cottage was unlocked. It was. He sighed and went inside. He knew your usual route at this point. He had a good hour or so before you got back.

He took in his surroundings. He had been in here before, but he still enjoys taking in as much about you as he can. He noticed something on the floor. It was a fourth doll. This one was of you. You must've forgotten it by accident. Oh well, finders keepers they say.

He sat on the floor and picked it up. He smiled when he saw that you gave the doll a little smiley face. He wanted to see you smile in person. He wanted...

"Oh (Name)..." Nagito said as he fell onto his back, still clutching the doll.

"I love you so much... I could fall into despair a thousand times and I'd still feel nothing but pure devoted love towards you... I want to do so many things with you... I want to hold you, kiss you, call you mine and mine alone..." Nagito rambled on and on to the doll, as if he were actually talking to you.

He got up and returned to his cottage. He sat on his bed staring at the doll. He lifted it up to his face and kissed it on the "lips." Within a few hours, he had done so much with the doll. He had conversations with it, took it on a "date" (though, most people would call it just a "tea party"), and even practiced proposing to you on it.

It didn't feel like enough to him. He wanted to do all of this with the real you. The doll worked as a temporary substitute, but he wanted more.

And he would do anything to have it.

Toying With My Sanity (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now