Bonus Chapter Part 2: Run Away

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You ran as fast as you could, avoiding tripping over dead bodies whenever you could. This city was like a giant maze, and you had no idea where to go. You also had no idea where Nagito was, so you also had the extra paranoia of possibly turning a corner and running straight into him. However you weren't going to give u-

You had failed to notice the open manhole in your path, and as a result, ended up falling. A small child wearing a Monokuma helmet had witnessed the event before running off himself.

You winced in pain as you looked at your now injured ankle. Great. Just great. Now what are you supposed to do!?

"Oh no! Are you okay?" You screamed when you saw a completely white Monokuma covered in bandages approach you. The Monokuma stopped in his tracks and waved his paws around defensively.

"P-please don't scream! The actual bad and scary Monokumas will hear you..." The bear protested. You covered your mouth but still gave the white bear a look of distrust. He fiddled with the flower that he held in his paws.

"My name is Shirokuma. I'm not like other Monokumas because of an AI chip in my brain." Shirokuma said.

"...I'm (Name)." You said. You tried to stand up, only to let out a sound of pain once again.

"Are you hurt?" Shirokuma asked. You looked down at your foot before shaking your head.

"I think I twisted my ankle..." You said. Shirokuma perked up a little.

"Why don't you come with me? You'll be safe with the rest of the adults, and I'm sure you'll be able to heal your ankle!" Shirokuma offered. You were slightly confused by his words. Just adults? Were all the children in the city already killed by Monokumas? Nevertheless, you still needed a place to stay so your ankle could heal.

"Alright. But, as soon as my ankle is healed, I'm leaving. No offense or anything, but I really need to get out of here as soon as possible." You said. Shirokuma appeared saddened, but nodded anyways.

"I understand. Let me help you there, okay?" Shirokuma said before attempting to help you walk, though not doing much as he was much smaller than you.

After the torture that was climbing the latter up to the adults hideout, you learned why no children were among the newly formed resistance. The ones behind the Monokuma attacks were a group of kids dubbing themselves as the "Warriors of Hope" and rather than children like you initially thought, it was the parents who had been slaughtered.

Despite the name, you didn't think of these people as a resistance, as they basically did nothing to try and stop the so called Warriors of Hope. This was a more of a place to live in fear of a bunch of kids instead. As a result, you grew cold and distant to everyone there, much like how you were before years of a "loving relationship" with Nagito, though the paranoia of him finding you was still there, as you still didn't know where he ran off to.

After a few days, you could walk with very little pain, but still had a bit of a limp. You began walking around to try and get used to it, only to bump into someone and fall on your butt. You quickly looked up in fear but calmed down upon seeing it was far from who you thought it was.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!" A girl with short brown hair that had an antenna sticking out in the center and light green eyes, who was wearing a blue and white high school uniform with matching socks and shoes, and appeared to have some sort of megaphone with her looked down at you in concern. She offered you a hand to help you up, but you shook your head and stood up by yourself.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going either." You insisted. Another girl, with long purple hair and eyes who was wearing glasses, a black long sleeved shirt, and a long black skirt scoffed.

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