6] heartbeat

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heartbeat- tahiti 80

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heartbeat- tahiti 80


He had a skip in his step the following morning as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"What are you so chipper about?" Jae grumbled, pouring a bowl of cereal through tired eyes. Jae was Yoongi's best friend from high school; Yoongi had been crashing on his couch for the past several months, no longer wanting to deal with the scrutiny from the people in his home.

"I got a callback from BigHit entertainment. I'm visiting their office today," Yoongi smiled behind his coffee cup before taking a sip. He frowned slightly, thinking that the coffee you made him was so much better.

"Oh, from the rap competition thing?" Jae replied through a mouthful of Froot Loops.

"Yeah," Yoongi said as his mind dipped back into the memories of that night. It was an amazing feeling to him; to feel his heartbeat in his ears as he dominated the stage. He loved all the sweat and tears and raw emotion and energy. He loved the high feeling he acquired from being on stage, from sharing his music with other people. He truly loved performing, and he wanted nothing more than for an opportunity to let the whole world hear his voice and his music.

But stacked on top of that love for performing were Yoongi's feelings for you. He loved being on stage regardless, but something about looking out into the crowd and seeing you brought him more joy than any other performance had ever given him. Your compliments about his music meant more to him than any prior comments ever head.

There something special about the way he connected with you that night.

"What are you thinking about?" Jae laughed, raising an eyebrow. Yoongi hadn't even realized that he was a standstill, frozen in thought with his coffee mug awkwardly half-lifted to his mouth like he was about to take a drink.

"Oh, nothing," he snapped out of his daze, finally taking another sip of the coffee before frowning again.

"Is there sugar anywhere around here?" he asked, beginning to look through the cabinets.

"Since when are you so picky about your coffee? You've been drinking black coffee since I first met you," Jae observed, beginning to pour himself a second bowl of cereal.

"My taste has changed," Yoongi said absentmindedly as he continued looking for sugar.

"There are Splenda packets in the cabinet by the microwave," Jae said, "But what do you mean your taste has changed? Is it because of all the time you've been spending at that hipster coffee shop?"

Yoongi crossed the kitchen for the Splenda. "You could say that."

"Yoongs has a secret, doesn't he! Spill it!" Jae teased, pointing an accusing finger at him. Yoongi grabbed a Splenda packet and returned back to his coffee, ignoring Jae at first.

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