16] intrusion

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"Are you Suga?

"Rap Monster?


You sighed, looking down into your drink while you waited for them to finish speaking with the fans. If you were being honest with yourself, you were frustrated. But not with Yoongi, or Namjoon, or Hoseok, or even the fans necessarily. You were frustrated about the interruptions, and it frustrated you that it frustrated you. You and Yoongi had already had a long-drawn-out argument about the changes that were coming due to his career. And he had already warned you about this. And you had already made up with him about it.

It wasn't fair for you to get mad now. So, you didn't get mad.

But Yoongi did.

"Who's the girl?" One asked, raising an eyebrow while reaching for her phone.

"Yeah, is it a girlfriend?"

You shifted uncomfortably beside Yoongi, the whole situation spiraling to a place in which you didn't want it to go.

"Can't you all tell we're kind of in the middle of something here?" Yoongi snapped, eyes narrowing at the group of girls.

"Yoon," Namjoon said in disbelief, smiling apologetically at the fans.

The girl that had reached for her phone was raising it, seeming like she was trying to take a picture of you. Yoongi scoffed, moving so that you could practically hide behind him.

"It's rude to interrupt people when they're clearly in the middle of dinner. And it's even worse to take pictures of people without permission to do so," Yoongi continued. You watched as the tips of his ear grew red and his whole face become flushed. He really was mad.

"Yoongi," Hoseok said through gritted teeth.

"O-Oh. We're s-sorry," one of the girls stuttered, hurt spreading across her face as she motioned for the other girls to move. They began walking away.

"Why did you have to do that?" Namjoon mumbled, getting up from the booth, Hoseok following. You turned your head, watching as they rushed over to console the fans. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you assumed that they were apologizing on Yoongi's behalf, offering the girls hugs and photos.

You turned back around, sighing, and glancing over at Yoongi who hadn't said anything else.

"You didn't have to do that," you said quietly, feeling overwhelmed and guilty that he had lashed out because of you.

"I know," he nodded slowly. You couldn't read his expression, couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Maybe you should go apologize to those girls," you suggested. He looked down, ears still red.

bad for me // min yoongi  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now