25] heart like yours

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heart like yours- willamette stone

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

heart like yours- willamette stone


"There should be a rule about cuddling in the studio," Namjoon complained as he walked in, finding you and Yoongi lying on the couch together. Yoongi's head was resting on your chest, his breathing steady and even, calm. You were planning to hang out in the studio that night as some of the others worked casually, but Yoongi showed up complaining about how tired he was, and ended up falling asleep mid-conversation with you.

"Shh, he's sleeping," you scolded Namjoon quietly, looking back to your phone. Stevens was texting you, trying to arrange the schedule at Youth & Impulse for the next month. While both you and Stevens both wanted Yoongi there, it was clear that he was going to have to retire from the job rather soon. Bangtan's debut music video had been released a few weeks ago, their first concert together was in two days, and after that, there would be their first tour. Yoongi was about to be in and out of town quite a bit, and it was time that Youth & Impulse found someone else to come in and replace him. However, the piano bench was always open to Yoongi anytime he wanted to step in and play for a night.

"Dance practice was exhausting today, so I don't blame him for passing out like that," Namjoon chuckled, sitting down at the chair in front of the computer. It felt strange to be sitting in the studio like that with just the two of them; it reminded you of the old times. You didn't particularly miss those times, as you were happy with how things were going, but sometimes you longed for the simplicity of how things were back then. Sitting together with them like that brought those feelings back up, nostalgia easily overcoming you.

"Johnson is working to get you guys ready for the concert, and then the tour I assume?" you offered before shooting a text back to Stevens, letting him know the rest of Yoongi's upcoming schedule.

"Yeah, he's been pretty tough of on all of us lately. Especially him," Namjoon replied, nodding at the sleeping boy curled up against you.

"Yoon? Why?" you questioned, curious about why Johnson would have to be pushing Yoongi more than the other members.

"He sees a lot of potential in Yoongi's dancing, and he's trying to bring the best out of him. Johnson really cares about us, so he's been doing everything to make us the best we can possibly be before our live performances begin," Namjoon explained, "It's been really exhausting if I'm honest. But, you should be proud of him, you know? He's working hard."

You glanced down at Yoongi who sighed in his sleep, heart yet again overwhelmed with simple admiration for the boy.

"I am proud of him. I'm proud of the rest of you as well, though," You reminded Namjoon, feeling like perhaps people in his life didn't give him enough credit. He didn't even give himself enough credit. "Obviously I've known Yoon longer than I've known you, but I've had the opportunity to watch you grow as an artist as well. You've really earned all of this, Joon. And even through all the difficulties, you've been a great friend to Yoongi, and that's something I'm appreciative for," you admitted sincerely, the words effortlessly floating off your lips. These were words you'd been meaning to say to Namjoon for a while, gratitude you'd been meaning to express. You just hadn't had a real opportunity until now.

bad for me // min yoongi  ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα