9] can you come hold me again?

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lonely again- gnash

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lonely again- gnash

The following morning, once his head was clear enough, Stevens made the decision to close Youth & Impulse for a minimum of three weeks, per advice from his doctor. After forgoing such a mentally and physically taxing accident, the doctor suggested that Stevens spend a few weeks focusing only on his health and nothing else. The doctor was concerned that as a small business owner, Stevens would stress and concern over keeping the business up to par throughout his injury, and this would ultimately tax Stevens's body even more.
So reluctantly, Stevens agreed and talked to you and Yoongi both.

"I understand why you're doing it, I just wish there was some way I could handle it on my own. You aren't worried about not having any income for the next several weeks?" You asked, feeling glum inside and out. You and Yoongi were sitting beside each other on the couch across from Stevens's hospital bed. He somehow had managed to score a rather large room with no up-charge.

"I have more than enough in savings. Don't worry about the business, kid. It'll be fine," Stevens reassured you. You nodded your head even though you wanted to keep arguing.
And any other time, you probably would've kept arguing. But, Stevens looked tired. And you were tired. And Yoongi was tired. It wasn't worth the fight.

"We'll let you get some rest," you muttered, rising from the couch and exiting the room, Yoongi trailing close behind you. You walked through the glaringly white hospital in silence. It wasn't until the two of you were outside in the sunshine that Yoongi spoke up.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, squinting due to the sun in his eyes.

"Nothing to talk about."

"I can tell you're upset."


"What is it that's really bothering you about this whole Youth & Impulse thing? I mean it's temporary, and I agree that Stevens should just focus on his own health," Yoongi replied, lifting a hand to shield his eyes.

"It's nothing. You're right," you said shortly. He eyed you for a moment, clearly not believing you. He cleared his throat and nodded anyway, not pushing the issue any farther.

"I have a meeting with BigHit management in a few, so I have to go. Maybe dinner tonight?" He took a step closer to you, face questioning.

"Sure," you said calmly, even though you were filled with anxiety at the mention of Yoongi's meeting. His management was likely going to tear him to shreds not for only leaving in the middle of the class, but also for skipping an entire day of training. You felt guilty, still, even though he had already insisted you shouldn't.

He looked at you again, some serious expression covering his face that you couldn't quite read.

"You're going to be okay, right?" he murmured. You felt as if his eyes were staring right into the depths of your soul without your permission.

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