24] the conflicting afflictions

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broken roots- michl

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broken roots- michl


Two nights before the music video shoot, Yoongi was sitting on your bed with his computer, working on mixing a solo song of his own. He was resting comfortably against the insane plethora of pillows you had on your bed, while you were at your desk across the room, researching jobs. His hair was still damp from the shower he'd taken shortly before arriving at your apartment, and he knew that it probably looked like a complete mess. But, your hair was tied up in a knot atop your head, messy and clear that you had been working hard all day and that you just wanted it out of your face. The two of you had reached such a point of familiarity and comfort within your relationship that neither of you worried about how attractive you appeared to other. Being beside each other was as easy as breathing in that respect, and it was a nice feeling to have.

Since his fainting episode, Yoongi was desperately trying to work harder at taking care of himself and was working harder to make time for you. It wasn't that his entire mental health was centered around you, but he generally felt happier and more motivated when close to you. So, for the past several nights, he'd been spending time at your apartment. Even though the two of you had other things to work on, being in the general vicinity of each other was good for the relationship.

Yoongi still hadn't mentioned his fainting and health issues to you. The diets for every member were adjusted after it was clear that they couldn't be successful with the original restrictions. Bang PD also held a meeting with everyone, stressing the importance of hydration and proper rest; basically saying the same thing that the nurse had told Yoongi in the dance studio. Bang PD was heartbroken that his performers had been suffering so much without his knowledge, and he offered his sincerest apologies. He claimed that from now forward, he wanted there to always be an open dialogue for the members to be upfront and honest about what they wanted and needed.

So, Yoongi did what was asked of him. He conformed to the new meal plan, paid careful attention to his water intake, and the amount of sleep he was getting. With the support of his fellow members and the advice from the nurse, Yoongi had been feeling a lot better, and no symptoms were returning. He truly realized how important it was for him to be mindful of his health and overall well-being. However, this realization, mixed with the fear that perhaps fainting would become a regular affliction, an uncomfortable anxiety began to sprout within him. He was worried about his health more than he ever had, to the point of it constantly weighing on his mind. The guilt from keeping it a secret from you didn't exactly help that anxiety either.

He was in a state of confliction; whether to provide transparency and honesty to you or protection from worry and anxiety. He still wasn't sure what the right thing was to do. So, he kept quiet, focusing on his health as he was convinced that if nothing like the fainting happened again, he could justify not telling you about it. But for some reason, he still just couldn't shake the anxiety he was having over it, leading to even more foul moods and off days. Despite this, he didn't pull away from you and didn't push you away. Unlike all the times before, Yoongi was determined to not cause a rift by closing off emotionally and staying away from you. That always made things worse, not only for you but for himself as well.

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