15] icing on the cake

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only ones who know- arctic monkeys

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only ones who know- arctic monkeys


"Y/N, are you okay?" Yoongi asked, looking over his shoulder from where he sat at the computer with Namjoon and Hoseok. You were hunched over the coffee table in the studio, hands covering your face.

"I'm fine," you said, the sound coming out muffled. Not believing you, Yoongi got up and stretched before making his way over to you.

It was the following Monday night after the rap concert with Hoseok. More videos were posted online, and it seemed that popularity was growing every day. Yoongi had started to think that maybe Namjoon was right; maybe they would be able to debut successfully.

Since everything at the concert had gone well with Hoseok, Bang PD was very pleased and said that he wanted Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok to continue producing together. Yoongi and Namjoon were surprised when Bang PD hadn't announced, "Surprise, here's yet another new person to work with!"

Luckily, Yoongi and Namjoon actually really liked working with Hoseok. He was a positive presence to be around, and he worked really hard.

"C'mon, what is it?" he asked again, sitting down beside you and gently pulled your hands off of your face.

"I'm not going to be able to pass this test," you groaned in frustration.

"What test?"

"My last final exam. You know, the one I need to take tomorrow and pass so I can graduate University on Friday? Ugh, I'm done for," you complained, covering your face with your hands again.

"Uh oh, Y/N needs a pick-me-up. I'll be right back," Hoseok said suddenly, running out of the room.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. You're a good test taker," Yoongi reminded you, reaching out to once again hold your hands.

"There's just so much pressure on this test, and it's really stressing me out. I'm one more problem away from ripping my hair out," you complained, leaning back into the couch, seemingly giving up.

"Okay, look. You can't be that negative. You're just going to psych yourself out even more," Namjoon suddenly butted in, removing his headphones. "I can hear your freaking out even over the music."

"Sorry," you mumbled, and Yoongi laughed.

"Joon is right, Y/N. Overthinking it is just going to stress you out even more. Have some confidence. You've had some of the highest grades in your entire department this year, right?" Yoongi tried to convince you, his voice gentle.

"Yeah, you're right." You sighed.

"So, study a little bit more and then stop. Make sure you get a good night of sleep, eat breakfast before you go in the morning and you'll be fine," he replied. He would usually hate seeing you this stressed out, but he really believed that you would do fine on the test. In fact, he actually thought it was a bit cute how worried you are for something he knew you were well equipped for.

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