7] change

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summer- imagine dragons

For the next several weeks following Yoongi's confession of his feelings, your relationship with him went through a time of change and readjustment. The two of you began behaving more like a couple rather than just close friends, and change on that front excited you.

For one, the two of you started doing more things outside of work whenever you were able to cram them into your busy schedules. Yoongi would take you around to various shopping centers, parks, nature paths, or literally anything else he thought would be fun to explore with you. Sometimes, you would track down other small coffee shops in the area, and the two of you would go and spy, wanting to see how Youth & Impulse's competition was. Sometimes you would try a place that was somewhat decent, but Yoongi would always frown at the lattes, claiming that the ones you made beat the competition by a long shot. You always tried to deny your talent at making coffee, but Yoongi was rather insistent about your skills.

Skinship became more of a common occurrence between the two of you. You weren't shy about hugging him whenever you wanted to or holding his hand in public, or generally just being close to him. He wasn't shy about any of those things either, although the one thing he didn't do was kiss you all the time. It wasn't that kissing between you two was uncomfortable, but more something that Yoongi only liked to do when he felt the moment was right for it. Kissing you on the forehead or the cheek or the back of your hand were common occurrences, but kissing you on the lips seemed to be reserved for special moments. And you were okay with that.

But, among the positive growth and changes, you had to acknowledge that were some things that were changing for the worst, and not for the better.

Late winter was quickly turning into spring, and as the seasons changed, school for you became more and more demanding. As the end of the school year and final exams were looming around the corner, you were busy studying and working on the end of term projects, meaning that you had to spend a lot more time on campus than you would've liked to.

But, you weren't the only one whose schedule had changed; Yoongi's life was changing as well. Upon signing the contract with BigHit, he became significantly busier as he was desperately trying to juggle his other work along with what his new manager wanted him to do. He was in dancing classes, singing classes, and even a couple of acting classes. On top of that, he suddenly was extremely conscious of his weight, diet, and overall physique, making you a bit sad at times to see how much he worried about it.

You were happy for him that he finally had scored such a great opportunity, but there were times where you couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the best thing for him. You wondered if all of the pain and time he put in now would pay off later. You hoped so because seeing him strain himself that much became hard for you to watch.

Despite all of the chaos, you and Yoongi still had one thing that you could always count on; Tuesday and Thursday nights at Youth & Impulse. No matter how busy the both of you were, you always knew that you would have Tuesday and Thursday nights together. Even though Yoongi couldn't always make it early like he used to, he was always able to stay late, allowing the both of you to spend some quality time together.

The cafe became almost like a security blanket for your relationship; a place that was consistent, comforting, and safe.

Things were constantly changing, but at least at Youth & Impulse, everything always remained the same.


"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi murmured one Thursday night, a few hours after Youth & Impulse had closed. You two were sitting on a bench outside the cafe beneath the dim lighting, watching cars and taxis and random people go by; the city never sleeps.

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