Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"And so, if we look it at this way..." The voice of the teacher sounded really distant and it was getting more and more by the minute. Why? Because I was bored. Mostly I'd be exchanging letters with Waqqar right about now. But, today he was absent and I was bored to death. Deep inside, I was curious. Curious as to why he didn't show up. Sure, it wasn't any of my business but I still wanted to know.

Maybe he was too angry about yesterday to even look at me. Nah. That's so not him. He would never skip a day of college just because he was too angry with a certain someone, AKA, Romma Albasha. The kiss yesterday flashed before my eyes and I felt blood rush to my cheeks. Waqqar looks really cute when he's flustered like that. Flustered and angry at the same time. I need to do that again sometime. He really needs to loosen up a little every once in a while.

The bell rang, shaking me out of my daydreaming. It was recess and I wasn't really up for it as usual. My breaks would be spent, trying to irritate Waqqar. I just realized. Without Waqqar, college would be really boring. I never thought that Waqqar had such a role in my life. He was just a time pass play thing. Call me arrogant, but it's really what I thought.

I stood up to leave the class. Sitting here alone wouldn't reduce my boredom at all. I walked outside, meeting up with Stacy and Lucy. "So, you seem down today." Lucy stated. I sighed. "Yeah, I'm really bored." I admitted. Stacy thought about something. "By any chance," I faced the sisters. "Do you have any idea why Waqqar didn't come today?" I asked them. Both of them just looked at me. Too shocked to say anything.

Stacy soon smirked. "Why?" She pried, eyeing me suspiciously. I felt uncomfortable under her gaze, trying to look anywhere but her eyes. "No special reason. Just wondering." I said, thankful that I didn't stammer. "You've never really cared whether Waqqar came or not." Lucy said, frowning in confusion. She still couldn't get why her sister was smirking so suspiciously. "I told you. There's no reason! I was just wondering." I tried to defend myself. Thank God Stacy shrugged it off and dropped the topic.

Entering the cafeteria, me and my girls conquered a table and sat down. Lucy and Stcay were talking on and on about some horror movie they watched. My eyes were running through the whole room filled with chatter. Until they fell on Harry and Damian. My mouth turned upwards into a smile as I excused myself and walked away to them.

"Hey, Harry. Damian." I smiled, sitting down across them. They greeted me back, quite surprised as to why I came to them. I wouldn't blame them. I never really interacted with them much. "What brings you here, Romma?" Harry asked. I took a deep breath. "Do you guys know why Waqqar didn't come today? Is he okay?" I questioned, ready for all the teasing comments to come.

Luckily, they kept quiet. Their faces filled with worry. "We don't know. Usually he calls us whenever he doesn't have to come. Even if he doesn't tells us the reason, he makes sure he informs us." Damian spoke. I nodded, still in confusion. "Did you try calling him?" I asked. Harry nodded. "We did. But his number's off. He's not picking up." He told me. I felt a pang of worry hit me. Was Waqqar okay? That's so unusual of him to be this careless.

"Try again." I said. Damian raised an eyebrow at me but said nothing. He nudged Harry to call Waqqar again. He dialed the number and brought the phone to his ear. I waited impatiently. After a long two minutes, Harry shook his head in disappointment. "He's not picking up." He said. I sighed. "Anyway, thanks. I'll be going." I told them and came back to my friends.

The rest of the day was spent in thought. I didn't understand why I was so worried. It's so not me to poke my nose in other's business. But, I couldn't help it. I wanted to know so bad. The bell rang, indicating that the day was over. The students rushed out of the class. "Don't forget to complete your assignment! It's due tomorrow!" The teacher shouted after them.

Then, a great idea hit me. The assignment! I smiled triumphantly to myself as I put my books in my bag. I ran out of the class before Harry and Damian would leave for home. I ran outside of the building and looked here and there, breathing heavily. My eyes fell on the red haired boy with his blonde friend.

"Damian!" I called and he turned to face me. He seemed shocked that it was me again. I was panting and out of breath. My lungs were heavy. Inhaling, I straightened myself to look at them. "Romma?" Harry noticed I was there. I nodded and held my hand out. "Give me Waqqar's assignment. I'll give it to him for you." I said.

Damian raised an eyebrow. "It's okay, Romma. You don't have to go through the trouble." Harry told me. I shook my head, quickly coming up with an excuse. "My friend lives right across Waqqar's house. It wouldn't be a problem at all for me to deliver it to him." I explained, guilty that I was lying.

Harry, who had the assignment sheet looked at Damian for approval. Damian nodded, as if telling him that it was okay. Was I that huge of an annoyance?? I could just imagine. Harry handed me the papers and smiled gratefully at me. "Thanks," both of chorused together. I shrugged. "No problem." I said.

They turned to leave and after a final wave, they were out of sight. After they were gone, I looked at the was of papers and held it in front of me. "I hope this goes well." I muttered to myself.

Throwing my bag into the car I told the driver that I'd come home myself. I didn't want him to catch me going to Waqqar's house. It's only gonna be trouble if Abi finds out. Making sure, I had all my stuff, I walked out of the college. I knew this way by heart now since I've followed Waqqar so much.

This place was the first place where I thanked Waqqar and both of us had a decent conversation. There were no sarcastic and harsh comments from Waqqar and I was honest with him for once. It was a good experience and I think after that, we had developed a friendship. Thinking about it, I smiled without noticing I was looking like a mad person.

Not 15 minutes later, I was standing in front of his house. I examined it from top to bottom. It was a medium sized villa which had a friendly vibe coming from it. There was a small garden at the side. There was the Dua of entering the house pasted in beautiful calligraphy on the entrance door.

I sighed to myself, rubbing the back of my palm. I was feeling sweat for some reason. My heart was thumping loudly in my chest and I just realized that I was actually standing in front of Waqqar's house. What if his mom opens the door. Or even worse, what if his dad opens it? I took a deep breath and pressed the bell.

After a while, the door knob clicked and it opened slowly. A woman in her late twenties with a shawl wrapped around her head looked out. Her eyes were dark brown and she had veet coloured complexion. Three words. She was pretty.

She looked shocked to see me and I felt even more nervous. Her stare burned through me and I tried not to figet. "Uh, yes?" She asked. I looked up at her. "Assalam u alaikum," I greeted her with a nervous smile. "I'm Waqqar's classmate." She looked even more shocked when she heard me saying the islamic greeting.

"I don't mean to be rude but, you're a Muslim?" She questioned. I nodded. She looked at me from head to toe but then smiled sweetly. "Then why don't you come in, dear?" She said. I felt a little comfortable after hearing her soothing and sweet voice. "Is Waqqar home?" I asked her, walking inside. She nodded. "He's upstairs. I'll go call him for you." She told me.

I smiled at her "Thank you." I said and she just smiled in response. Sitting down on the sofa, I looked around. The walls were filled with Quranic verses. There was a Musalla (prayer mat) spread across the floor at the corner. An LCD was placed on a table in the middle and across if it were some sofas. One on which I was sitting on. I felt odd in a place like this.

The feeling was so... Serene. I felt like I was a stain on a white shirt. The aura of this place was so welcoming and warm. Now I know why Waqqar knows so much about Islam.

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