Chapter 38

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"Wainee!! I wanna chocciee!" Meena wailed, desperate for my attention. Apparently, she had holidays and I, on the other hand had my exams. She pulled my sleeve, causing the pen in my hand to fall to the ground with a low thud. That's it! I thought. I turned to Meena with a scowl on my face, ready to scold her. This had been going on for way too long now. But before I could even say anything, she made her cute, innocent face.

I stopped in my tracks, regretting that I ever thought of scolding her. I took out a deep breath. "Meena, I'll buy you a chocolate after I'm done studying." I told her, carassing her cheek. She pouted and turned the other way. She was not happy. But she didn't say another word because she knew that she had provoked me far too much. And with that pouty face, she quietly picked up the pen on the floor, handed it to me and walked away without another word.

I turned back to study. I wished I could get Meena her chocolate but I had to prepare for the exam. It hurt me to see her this way. She was like my little sister and I loved her like one. Though, she would remind me of Romma so many times. A little version of her.

And that was it. I lost my track of thoughts and started thinking about her. I was so unsure about the situation between me and her. I had no idea what to do. I know I promised myself that I would leave this matter pending and focus on my studies. But... I just get distracted so easily. I can't seem to escape her. Even if she isn't in front of me, she'll be in my mind no matter what. I don't even see her at school anymore, let alone at work. I had a very distinct feeling that she was avoiding me as much as possible. And wasn't that a happy thought.

I did see her a few days prior. In the cafeteria. Maria had just come into the cafeteria to speak to me and my eyes fell on Romma who was standing there, looking straight at me. I was a little surprised and didn't know how to respond so I just turned away. I sensed her leave in a rush after that and the whole thing pained me. I regretted ever looking away.

And Maria? She's been around me a lot lately, I noticed. And in a way it made me  uncomfortable, because Romma had said she had a thing for me or something. And while I don't really mind, it gets tiring sometimes. And she's so different from Romma. Romma, with those cheesy pickup lines, those grins and laughter. It was annoying, I admit. But I always enjoyed it deep down.

After spending a long time praying to Allah for guidance, I went to the nearby store to get Meena a chocolate. But when I returned, she was asleep. Nadia Khala told me that she would give it to her tomorrow morning. I slept after that, hoping tomorrow would be a better day. I told myself to trust in Allah and accept whatever He has in store for me.


"Assalamualaikum, Maria." I smiled as I saw her sitting in class. I had just walked in and she was there. She smiled back and whispered a "waalaykumusalaam". With that smile, I dropped my bag on my seat and took out the book for today's exam. I had to revise some of the formulas. I was quite early so the class was empty and only Maria and I were there. It felt a little awkward, but I managed to focus on my book. I sensed Maria trying to strike up a conversation.

"Are you scared for the exam? It's only half an hour till it starts." She spoke up. I turned to face her. She was smiling at me. "Well, I am a little scared but in shaa Allah I hope everything will go well." I replied. Maria nodded. Soon, other students started showing up.

After I finished the exam, I made for the lockers. A few others were still doing it. Alhamdulillah, it went fine. Sure there were a few questions I had doubts about but other than that, it was better than expected. Maria coincidentally finished at the same time I did so she suggested that we go together to the lockers. "I also have to get my phone. Why don't we go together?" She had said. I agreed with a nod. We reached our destinations. I opened my locker and Maria did the same. I took out my phone, accidentally sliding my hand over a piece of paper in the process.

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